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Sometimes you have to laugh....


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
1967 Red 427 Roadster, 2012 Grand Sport Coupe
I was contacted to find a car for a photo shoot being done in Boston this week, they wanted a 50s car, none vette this time. I found them a 58 Chevy and they loved it. While talking to the crew, they told me of the Vette they used earlier, it seems they got this pristine 59? for the shoot and when the owner arrived it was in via enclosed trailer, they talked to the owner about the shots they wanted to take and where the models would be etc...seems like the owner said ..no dont touch the car ..and so on. now the frosting on the cake. The car was from another state and when they went to take out the car for the shoot...NO KEYS...now I am sure its not funny to the owner..but I just had to laugh....sorry..sic sense of humor:boogie
The best part of planning is having a plan. :w
Better to laugh than cry... :L

what? it only takes a minute to hot wire a 59.:beer

I agree...worry about this all the time till I put in battery shut off. Might slow em down a bit.


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