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For Sale Sounds of Corvette CD

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Jul 28, 2007
Mukilteo, WA -north of Seattle
1961 Ermine white
Two (2) reproduction CD’s from the original vinyl record for sale. $25 each (+S&H)

The original vinyl record was produced by Chevrolet as a promotional item for the ’61 Corvette. Title: Chevrolet Presents “Sounds of Corvette” 7 inch 33 1/3 LP From Chevrolet Motor Division Produced by The JAM HANDY Organization Manufactured by RCA Victor Custom Recordings Recorded on one side only The cover of the record reads as follows: “Sounds of Corvette – ’61 Corvette by Chevrolet America’s Sports Car Here’s an exciting record that brings you an expert’s knowledge and the sound of America’s Sports Car in action! Listen as Mr. K. E. Staley, Chevrolet’s General Sales Manager, introduces you to the great ’61 Corvette. Then let your imagination go along for a thrilling ride with Zora Arkus-Duntov, world famous sports car driver and automotive engineer, as he puts the new Corvette through its paces!”


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