While my 97 was in the shop getting the PCM replaced for battery acid that had dripped down on it, my steering column locked up when they were backing it out. Luckily they had the actuator and fixed that too. Anyways, the steering column alert messege had been displaying previously but I never had a problem. I asked the tech why it didnt shut down before and now it did. He told me someone had disconnected a wire to the pcm so it wouldn't.
Anyways too late for me, but If I got the message but never had the lock-up before maybe someone should find that damn wire and save about $300.00 lol. I have no problem hitting reset when I start the car..rofl. Just thought I would passs it onto yall.
Also (at no extra costs) the symptoms of my PCM problem were as follows:
Sluggish idle, low oil pressure alert DIC/gauge, service engine light, check gauges messege, followed by the car shutting off. This happened periodically about once every 3 weeks or so until this third time. If you just brought a C5 I suggest you pull the battery and look underneath it at the PCM. EVEN OF THE BATTERY LOOKS NEW and you just got the car recently or have not replaced it csince you got the car. I listed the codes I was getting in a previous Message, check there for details, mostly electrical or sensor related.
Hope this helps, you guys have helped me a lot, this should partially return the favor. Thanks again. I got taken to the cleaners, but without you guys, the dealer would have added starch and used a chinese press on me..rofl. : ) and the worst part is they dont give ya the fortune cookie until after you've paid...lol I Kill Me!
Anyways too late for me, but If I got the message but never had the lock-up before maybe someone should find that damn wire and save about $300.00 lol. I have no problem hitting reset when I start the car..rofl. Just thought I would passs it onto yall.
Also (at no extra costs) the symptoms of my PCM problem were as follows:
Sluggish idle, low oil pressure alert DIC/gauge, service engine light, check gauges messege, followed by the car shutting off. This happened periodically about once every 3 weeks or so until this third time. If you just brought a C5 I suggest you pull the battery and look underneath it at the PCM. EVEN OF THE BATTERY LOOKS NEW and you just got the car recently or have not replaced it csince you got the car. I listed the codes I was getting in a previous Message, check there for details, mostly electrical or sensor related.
Hope this helps, you guys have helped me a lot, this should partially return the favor. Thanks again. I got taken to the cleaners, but without you guys, the dealer would have added starch and used a chinese press on me..rofl. : ) and the worst part is they dont give ya the fortune cookie until after you've paid...lol I Kill Me!