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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2001
New York
65 with ZZ502
I installed the full blown VBP suspension kit, including front and rear monoleaf composite springs, adjustable shocks, and basically new everything. What all this did for me is demonstrate how really poor the old steering is. It is very loose and feels dead, like trying to steer a powersteering car with a broken belt. So I am planning an upgrade to rack and pinnion. Any advice as to which way to go? I have reseaserched STEEROIDS and that seems a good start.
bump....Stepinwolf: any advice?
I feel you pain.
A while back I did a similar group of mods to the suspension of my 71 along with adding the tires and wheels off a 2nd gen ZR-1.

The steering is terrible.

Steroids has gained a lot of attention with its conversion. The only possible problem I see with it is it's ride-steer curve. The last I checked, Steeroids uses a rack off a GM front drive platform. That may require tie rods of lengths significantly different than the control arm lengths. That tends to produce ride steer. That may or may not be a problem depending on what the car's use may be.

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