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Super Vette joyrider loses job, but no charges


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Super Vette joyrider loses job, but no charges
Eric Morath / The Detroit News
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Taking an ultra high-performance Chevrolet Corvette on a prohibited spin and sending pictures of the top-secret car to an automotive Web site cost a Romulus loading dock worker his job, but won't result in criminal charges, Romulus police said Tuesday.

The former Central States Trucking Co. employee, whose name was not released, won't be charged with a crime after Wayne Country prosecutors and Romulus Police determined that no laws were broken.

"(The subject) didn't intend to harm anyone and he gained no financial profit from the incident," said Lt. John Leacher.

The lack of criminal charges does not rule out bringing a civil case against the subject.

The incident came to light last week when photos of the vehicle, valued at $1 million, began popping up on automotive Web sites.

According to a police report, the subject drove and took photos of the car while it was at Central States Trucking's facility near Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The car was later shipped to Germany.

Auto enthusiast sites identified the vehicle as a prototype of the 2009 Corvette SS, a 600-plus horsepower super car dubbed the "Blue Devil," after General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner's alma mater, Duke University.

GM officials would not confirm that the photos that appeared online were of that prototype; but did say they were investigating the situation.

You can reach Eric Morath at (313) 222-2504 or emorath@detnews.com.
Shoot, it was probably worth it.


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