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switch back er no?

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Ok so my wife had my 84 out of town...She stopped to get the oil changed and had full synthetic put in it. I have never run synthetic in it. I have heard no you cant switch back but on the other hand 2 different Chevrolet garages told me it would not hurt to switch back. It has 82k on it presently and she put about 300 on it on the trip. Your thoughts? Thx!
Why don't you want to run synthetic oil? It's not going to hurt your engine. The worse that might happen is you might burn/leak a little (more).
It does not hurt to switch back and forth. The stories are old wives tails. Run the synthetic until you change oil next and put in what you like. As long as enough is in it, it will be fine.
Thank You, I was concerened Bill of the oil leaks I am encountering. I had heard it will run out faster than conventional. Nice picure by the way,Very cool! I have always wanted a zr 1.
Thanks Scott. If you have leaks (even very small ones) it will find them. Just keep an eye on the level. It won't make the holes any bigger the leak rate will return to "normal" when you return to dino oil.
The synthetic leaking worse than conventional oil is an old wives tale too.. I have never ever experienced that and I have change quite a few engines over with well over 100 k on them. If I value my engine I won't run anything but synthetic . :thumb

Do us a favor and run the oil and when you are driving at highway speed check the oil temp and engine temp. The reason I ask is you should see a significant drop in both fully warmed up operating temperatures. It would be interesting to see just how much cooler the car runs with synthetic over dino oil. That has always been the premise for GM using it and when they went to the LS1 engine they dropped the oil cooler and specified Mobile 1 because the engine would run within the range they needed to pass emissions. I have heard it will reduce the running temperatures by as much as 30 degrees. You may be able to shed some light on this theory. Oh and synthetic oil will safely run far longer then regular oil before needing changed.

As long as I am on the subject Here are some thoughts I have had recently on oil changes

How to reduce our dependency on foreign oil​
Today we have motor oils that are rated for 5, 10, or 15 thousand miles of use before being changed. However because great grandpa advocated changing his oil every 3 thousand miles it became the national standard (remember this was in the days before synthetic or blended oils). And also the manufactures recommended we change the oil this frequently (again because of less effective filtering and short trip driving). Now we fast forward to today’s real world were the engines go 250K instead of 50K as in the days of old.

So let’s try to put this in perspective as to how it impacts our dependency on foreign oil.
If you drive a car 100,000 miles and change the oil every 3,000 miles that will take 33 oil changes. But if you only change every 6,000 miles you only have 16.6 oil changes. Each oil change will take 4 quarts of oil so you have used 33 gallons of oil at 3,000 mile change intervals as opposed to 16.6 gallons at 6,000 miles.

If 1,000,000.00 people every day change their oil at 3,000 miles instead of 6,000 we will be prematurely disposing of 16,600,000.00 gallons of oil a day (Adding to our environment problems). Carrying this further take the daily figure and multiply by 365 days a year and you get 6,059,000,000.00 gallons of oil that has been wasted.

I believe that we out of a lack of knowledge want to cling to the way we have always done it approach. For example I remember when radial tires became the new kid in town people actually bought new cars and then took them directly to a tire store to replace the radials. Or when disk brakes were first introduced the horror stories that were told about how you would have to replace everything but the crank for the passengers window when the brakes needed to be replaced. Or more recently the acceptance of seat belts, air bags, anti lock brakes. So until proven wrong I for one will accept that what I learned as a teenager from grandpa and dad has been improved with technology and the old truisms no longer apply. I will however keep an open mind and if my car goes through a sand storm I would then off course replace the filters and oil regardless of the mileage on them.
Old wives tale. I wouldn't bother with it at all. In fact, I'd run it, check the oil change intervals sample by sending it for testing and see how much longer you can extend the oil change.
yep...I agree with everyone else.
Once again, what we do not understand, we will fear.

You can safely do near double the miles you were doing. Oil does not wear out, its additives break down and the oil gets contaminated. Syn oils do not break down chemically any near as fast as conventional oils, and I've known more than a few folks that simply change their filters after 3-4000 miles and go to 6-10,000. I go by the color and transparency. If its still semi clear, (even though brownish or dark) I could care less how many miles are on it... I'm currently at 4000 miles, (winter wt of 5-30) and its still fairly clean so I cannot justify changing it and won;t until I see walmart 5 qt jugs of M1 on sale for under $21.

As far as leaks...more hooey. If it leaked before it's gonna leak now.

Whenever a new product comes out there is no reference information available so people speculate on the side effects, cost, etc.
They will imagine a downside because thats easier to accept than blind faith. The fear of being ridiculed if the product turns out bad is enough to get most to "talk it down" just in case. Nobody wants to be the first to try it out..
Dexcool is another example...and I STILL hear crapola about how you cannot run orange antifreeze in a pre 1993 engine. Maybe not, if its till full of pre-Jimmie Carter antifreeze ! All the tales about Dexcool turning to jelly and frying engines....all true ! Hillbillys all across the country just poured it in with their old green stuff and yep, that turns to goop. Those that used some common sense and flushed the system are still running dexcool. I do, and have no drips, no leaks, and my motor coolsd better and the dex is not as acidic and damaging to the aluminum as it ages.

Don;t worry about the syn oil...your wife did you a favor !
You can replace conventional base oil with a blended base or a full synthetic base and back again on your L98. :thumb
On that related subject of Dexcool . I own a 06 grand prix at 75 k the heater quit working. It took 50 lbs water pressure to get the slime to let go in the heater core. This was original fill , never added to. Any car I get the dexcool will come out immediately. Going to stock up on the green stuff before they outlaw it. John is right about oil change intervals. Unless you drive in really dusty conditions use the oil life monitor like Junk does, they work.On the Grand Prix it used to get about 15 mile runs, then that change to 25 miles runs. The monitor went from coming on at 6000 to coming on at 10,000 . I have been running synthetic for over 15 yrs the bodies on the cars die before any engine and have run many over 200k.
Another thing , it is small but I am pretty certain that the gas mileage increases slightly with the synthetic oil.
Last Mobil one I bought was at Walmart , 5 qt jug $24.00 .. cost effective for 10,000 miles.
One other development , stay away from the AC Delco oil filters , they are junk. Now have a plastic cage inside. I have gotten first hand reports from friends that run sprint cars where the plastic has broken up. I get the Purolator oil filters from Advance Auto, they have good reviews .

I have been using Mobil 1 for years on my Vette and truck, both have mileage over 75,000. Over time gaskets will loosen up and you will find more leaks using Mobil 1. Rather than replacing the gaskets, I add a quart of Lucas Oil Stabilizer with every oil change and never a leak. I had a friend who installed a rebuilt engine and used Mobil 1 and found leaks in couldn't live with. He was going to go back and replace all the gaskets again, but after me telling him about using the Lucas Oil Stabilizer with the Mobil 1, he tried it and no more leaks. I have found it to be true that Mobil 1 will leak out where there has never been leaks before. Using the Lucas product stops it completely. Been using it for years now and never a leak, you can also run longer between oil changes using the Mobil and Lucas combination.
Ok I am going to give this a try, So are you subtracting 1 quart of oil to substitute for 1 quart of the lucas oil stabalizer?
Yes just replace 1 quart of oil with the Lucas and you won't have any problems using the Mobil 1 as far as leaks go. Lucas is like the old STP of earlier years, but better. It makes the oil real sticky and you can tell by pulling the dip stick after its been running and feel the oil between your fingers. Its a little harder to wipe off your fingers than regular oil. It will work good for you and you'll most likely use it from now on.
STP or thick oil is basically a band aid and not a fix. IIRC, when there was rattling around the engine, a lot of used car lots would dump the thickest oil they could find and/or STP to make it quiet, sell it and forget it. I prefer to fix it right.

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