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Taking left turn, car dies


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2002
1996 CE LT4
I have a buddy who's ride just dies when he takes a left turn. It's not every time, but it's often enough to be looked into. What could/would cause this?

Thanks! :D

Had a jeep a while back that did the same thing, think there was a plugged screen in the fuel tank at least thats what the dealer said, under warranty yet, so they worked on it, hope this will help.
I figured it was fuel-related. But I didn't know where it was more likely to be, tank or carb, etc.
If not that , check the wiring around the distributor, may be an intermittent short not enough to blow the fuse. my bronco 2 would sputter when first put in reverse, it was the fuel pump wire shorting behind the alternator. i didn't find it until it finally blew the fuse(too bad i was away from home at 1:30 a.m.)oh well,I found out why i got it cheap.mike

My 82 used to do that on right turns when the fuel was getting low in the tank.
I put a new electric fuel pump in last year, and it hasn't done it since.
BTW, how's the clutch coming? Got the tranny out yet?

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