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the truckster is painted !


Feb 9, 2009
Montgomery NY
61 69 81 84 96 08 Z06 07 GT/CS Mustang 172 Cess
second paint job on the same car! First time was marina blue EWWWWWWWWWWW reshot it in this Jeep color I like it now
That Jeep blue is nice. I guess it just can't shake it's 4wd past. It's going to be a good looking Corvette.

Better put the jeep frame back under her along with the chrome plated snow plow. You're bound to make a 4x4 out of the ole girl again.Bubba would be proud of 'er.;LOL
What a transformation. Nice job.

Wow.. You should post a before and after.. What a difference. Now it looks like a Corvette again. :thumb

Thank you for rescuing this Vette! Awesome pictures!

WOW! I saw it in person before and after..... Its a Corvette again thats for sure! He had it at a show down in Paramus NJ last weekend and it drew a huge crowd.... No one could believe it once had a snowplow on it! Best of luck with it Paul! Great talking to you! :beer

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