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Its not just corvette repro parts,There are some parts that are just PERFECT,but then you get the clinkers.I now try to replate,rebuild,restore,reuse anything I can before going to a repro part.
Ill share a story,As you know I manage a heating and A/C company.Well we have a full sheetmetal shop in house.My tin knocker was out this week due to a death in his family and I had to become the tin knocker for the entire week.
He has an aprentance who helps him in the shop.Anyways we had to build about 38 custom peice of duct work on wensday for a job on thursday 20 of the peices were risers that I would not exspect the aprentance to know how to build, the aprentance does not lay out metal he can only cut and assemble.So I built a sample duct and then I scratched out a template for him to use,all he had to do was to trace this template on to other sheets of metal with an awl then cut em and fold them up and then knock them together.
I left him alone for a while with specific instruction on what to do and how to do it.I contacted him several times during the day to check his progress and he said not to worry he is on schedule and the peices are perfect.
Thursday afternoon I get a call from the mecanics installing the duct work on the jobsite complaing of the fit of the ducts we had made for them He explained each one of the riser is a different size they grew about a 1/4 bigger.
To make a long story short what the metal aprentance did was trace my template with a magic marker (not an awl as intructed,an awl leaves less the a 1/16th mark,a magic marker leaves a little over an 1/8 of a mark an 1/8" on each side of the duct means it grows a 1/4" each time its traced)then assmebled my template into a duct. Then he cut out his template to the outside of the magic marker mark (his template now grew about a 1/4 in size) Then again traced his template with the dreaded magic marker then he would assembled his old template to make sure he was doing it correct ,then cut out his new over sized template trace it again and then cut it and kept tracing a new template each time.
So again to make a long story short. the only good template he had was the first one I had made for him and he should have only used that one,but he copied it incorectly and then kept on coping a bad new template.
This is what I think happens with some reproduction parts they may get the first run of them correct and then when they have to start building new ones they copy one of the reproduction ones instead of going back to the orginal one are just copied incorectly.
I share your frustration with the poor ill fitting reproduction parts.I just ordered new DeVille scripts for my caddy and I paid a fortune for them.I have to return them they are such poor quaility and will now be on the search for some clean N.O.S.
Good luck and may you be blessed with better reproduction parts in the future