you don't need anything new, just to re-stab the distributor. sounds like someone stabbed it a tooth off. pull you dist cap and remove the lock-down fork. slowly lift the distributor and play close attention to the position of the rotor. the rotor will turn as you lift the distributor. lift it about two inches, and you'll see when the rotor stops spinning as the dist comes up. at that point the dist is disenguaged from the cam and ready to turn. turn it clockwise a little and restab it. it will not go all the way, hangs up about 3/8 of and inch from going all the way down. gently roll the motor with the starter or a wrench on the HB mounting bolt. this allows the ditributor spin while enguaged in the cam and align itself with oil pump knotch. once it aligns with the oil pump, it will drop the rest of way down and your ready to time it. roll the motor to TDC on #1 cylinder and point the rotor to the number one teminal of the dist cap. this should be good enough to get it started and fine tune the timing once its running. hope that helps, Brian.