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Tire wear on inside of Front Tire


Active member
Mar 14, 2010
Toronto, Canada
81 Charcoal Grey
I recently noticed tire wear on the inside of the front tire. Could this be related in any way to the bushings? When the car is up, I can grab the wheel at 9.00 and 3.00 oclock and notice some slack in the movement. Any Ideas or feedback would be apprecieted. Thanks
Uneven tire wear on the inside of the tire could be caused by worn bushings.

More likely, it's a problem with front suspension alignment. Have the alignment checked and, while the alighnment shop is doing that, have them look at your bushings.
What do your bushings look like???
are they solid or cracked and broken up????
Begin with a drive to the alignment shop like Hib says probably to much negative camber. Like stated above, could also be some very old bushings.

Greetings Peter
Great feedback from everyone! Good place to get info. I will report back with the outcome.


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