My tranny recently started leaking. It's an M21 4 speed, with a Hurst shifter. The rear seal appears good - - - that area is dry. The access plugs are tight, the speedo cable is tight and the side plate, etc. bolts are tight. The oil is mostly on the linkage rods and the lower end of the shifter assemble, but nothing appears to be loose there. There is what appears to be a sending unit of some kind (back-up light switch?) on the left side of the tranny. It wasn't any "oiler" than the stuff behind it, but the tranny is dry ahead of it and above it. The "sending unit" isn't hooked up, as this tranny is in a 62, with no back up lights. That thing would appear to be the culprit. Can it be replaced with the right sized bolt and washer?
Any thoughts on how to get the baked on oil stains off my exhaust pipes? It ain't purdy this way!
Any thoughts on how to get the baked on oil stains off my exhaust pipes? It ain't purdy this way!