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Help! Trying to determine Build Date


New member
Jun 21, 2013
Mount Juliet
Hey Guys
Great Site! Lots of Nice info!
I have been lurking and reading for a couple of weeks. Gather info and trying to educate myself on C2 Corvettes. Here is a problem I am having, that I am sure someone can explain. Using the Knowledge base I am trying to determine the build date of a 66 I am looking at. Using the Trim tag, It gives J03 as the Body Time Build Code. Which I believe to be June 3rd. Using the Final serial number chart. The serial number I am looking up(121693) would fall into May. I believe it got its serial number somewhere around Friday the 13th. Yes Spooky Huh?! Does it get it's serial number before the Build Time Code or am I miscalculating somehow?
Thanks For any help!
Hey Guys
Great Site! Lots of Nice info!
I have been lurking and reading for a couple of weeks. Gather info and trying to educate myself on C2 Corvettes. Here is a problem I am having, that I am sure someone can explain. Using the Knowledge base I am trying to determine the build date of a 66 I am looking at. Using the Trim tag, It gives J03 as the Body Time Build Code. Which I believe to be June 3rd. Using the Final serial number chart. The serial number I am looking up(121693) would fall into May. I believe it got its serial number somewhere around Friday the 13th. Yes Spooky Huh?! Does it get it's serial number before the Build Time Code or am I miscalculating somehow?
Thanks For any help!

Hello & welcome aboard. If you have an A.O. Smith body (the BODY code on the trim tag would start with an 'A' instead of an 'S'), the J03 would designate a May 1966 build date. This webpage may assist you: CLICK HERE

Hello & welcome aboard. If you have an A.O. Smith body (the BODY code on the trim tag would start with an 'A' instead of an 'S'), the J03 would designate a May 1966 build date. This webpage may assist you: CLICK HERE

That would make total sense! I completely missed that column. It is an A.O Smith body.
Thank You!

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