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Trying to get interest in the Volt with this?

Jul 28, 2003
1982 Collector Edition
I dont know GM, this doesnt really go over well.. :confused:eyerole

YouTube - The Chevy Volt Dance

I dont know who in Marketing approved of this 'thing'. I hope they dont get another chance to advertise any GM product. :ugh

WOW - It's worse than bad...

On Monday I posted a video called the Chevy Volt Dance on YouTube and wrote about it here. It was a clip of four dancers dancing to the Chevy Volt theme song called “Chevy Volt and Me” that was performed every hour at the LA Auto Show.

I thought the thing was kind of silly really and made me laugh. What I didn’t know at the time, and which is one of the more fascinating things about the Internet, is that the video would “go viral.”

As of this morning the clip has been viewed over 100,000 times, and has received 717(1,081) YouTube comments. It was yesterday’s most popular video in the auto section and has been covered by Autoblog, Jalopnik, Engadget, and CrunchGear and even made it to the front page of Fox News. It has also been covered on countless smaller sites.

This must be a good thing right?

Maybe not. The coverage has been uniformly negative, and often venomous.

Fox put the words “your tax $$ at work” as the caption, for example. The users comments on YouTube have been extreme as well, and for a very popular video to have an average rating of one star shows it is being enjoyed for its badness.

How has the Chevy Volt Dance Affected Volt Marketing?
Chevy Volt blows fuse !

I don't know, when I saw this car at the Philadelphia Auto Show some years back in it's concept form. I said "Hay this is a really nice looking coupe." That volt had all it's wattage turned off and the Mini-Malibu-Cruse or whatever it is, really doesn't do a single thing for me. and way back when I saw the car at the show it was priced at $25K to $31K, which I thought was good, but like everything else it's now $40+ something. And I know I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, But if you put gas in it and it recharges itself, then how do you determine what kind of actual milage that you do get? I mean what if you burn up all the gas and the thing recharges , but you drive it too much and the batteries go dead, so your back at the gas station filling it up again ? Or am I missing something ?

Last week I saw the one of the Japanese car makers has an all 'Electric Cars' set for production. And as such, don't you have to make it home so you can plug it in for a recharge. Well I don't know about where you folks all are located, but here, when you plug anything into the house or garage electric wall socket, my electric bill goes skyward. And I'm hard pressed to think plugging in a Toyota elcetric car over night is akin to having my electric stove/oven on all night, every night. So exactly how does that reduce my carbon footprint. And I grant you I'm stupid, but buying Gasoline is about the same cost of buying electricity isn't it ? I thought last summer I read that our electric nationwide grid is failing and I seem to see that as happening a lot faster as all these electric cars in at night, or is it me ? Around here, just this year, like all of the years in the past, Peco Electric has been able to win a increase in electric rates, so how am I saving ? If we're really determined to get off Mid-eastern oil, why don't we all ride donkeys? I know hay is pretty cheap ! :eyerole
I dont know what the fuss is all about. I think those high schoolers did a fine job at the big game. thanks for posting it I heard about it but never would have believed it.

killain: You are so correct!!

First they showed us a real show car prototype that would save the planet and GM - estimate ~$30K, then all of a sudden a Malibu with batteries appears. Price?? An estimated $40K++ (with more Plusses).:boogie
The little dance ditty shows how really out of touch GM is. This type of promotion is usually designed to attract "youth" buyers. Tell me do you think a "youth" is about to spend $40K (on anything)?? Is it a Tuner??
Oh I forgot they propose a $20K federal subsidy to buyers to save the planet. Why not buy a Toyota + a Honda hybrid for the same money??

The electric car nuts think that this is great and it will save all. The gas engine provides battery charge. Great idea, but too expensive.
BUT how about that Nissan you discussed, and other all electric cars. It is ideal for the city however how can JohnQ charge it from his apartment? Also you are correct there is a limit to electricity availability, and the cost is high.
For a short time you would probably get a special rate for night charging. A small savings. But an increase in the summer!
Keep in mind with this new demand Power companies are still not allowed to build new generating plants (too much footprint!). No problem we will get electricity from China. How foolish of me.:rotfl

But here's the real dirty little secret. Presently there is NO road tax on electricity. Eventually you will be taxed(??) for your power to pay for roads. Add it to the bill.;help
GM Marketing Chief Calls Chevy Volt Dance a FAIL

OK I know, you may be getting a little tired of discussing the infamous Chevy Volt Dance by now, but attention to it continues as it speaks to possible bigger marketing problems at GM.

We know GM has recognized it hasn’t done a great job in recent years at marketing which was one of the reasons ex-CEO Fritz Henderson put Bob Lutz in charge, only to be removed from his position by Henderson’s ouster Ed Whitacre. Lutz was replaced by Susan Docherty who as new head of sales and marketing at GM wasn’t even aware of the Volt Dance phenomenon until a blogger emailed her.

Automotive journalist John Voelcker did some investigating and discovered that Lutz actually wanted to license the song “Electric Car” by “They Might be Giants” for the Volt (see video below). Lutz was ignored and instead the current Volt song was created and released to the world. The intention was to aim for the school-aged crowd as an educational tool.

If you think this was all a creative trick to bring attention to the Volt, it wasn’t. I wasn’t a secret accomplice and didn’t know the video would go viral.

Docherty apparently isn’t very happy about the reaction either. She gave the following response in an email to a blogger:

Just viewed it (the video) a few seconds ago. My thoughts are that we (as a team) can do much better – the Volt is a game changer not only for Chevrolet, but for GM and for our industry. Our Chevrolet Volt advertising, marketing and go to market strategy will be as innovative as the car. We may have missed on this one, but we won’t going forward.

GM’s VP of Communications Chris Preuss seems to be taking it more lightly.

“CIA now using Volt dance video to crack terrorists,” he tweeted.

GM Marketing Chief Calls Chevy Volt Dance a FAIL
I like the "They Might Be Giants" video much better than the Volt Dance.


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