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Weatherstrip Tips

Sep 4, 2002
Mech. Pa.
1980 L82 Silver and Clairet
I purchased my new weatherstrip for my door and window post on an 80, anyone "Been there done that" before with any good tips?


I did this a couple of months ago and decided to use the black adhesive instead of the yellow. This stuff is messy and you will end up getting some on the black frame of your tee tops. The black blends much better than the yellow. You will find that your doors will be very hard to shut right after you install the weather stripping. After a few days of compression, your doors will close like normal. Same with the tee tops. One last word of advise is to get some dielectric grease to coat your stripping as it will protect it and also allow your windows to easily slide past the rubber. If you don't, you will most likely find that your glass will "stick" as you roll it up.

Good luck. It wasn't a real hard job but did take longer than I expected. (Like most of my projects! :L

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