Weird thing with the DIC
I took the vette out today and while driving to work the Info center lite up like a X-mas tree. Service ABS.. Service Traction control ...Service Active Handling . So I got to work and turned the car off and started it backup and nothing. So I called the dealer , brougt it in and he puts it on the computer and it didn't hold any codes ..So he couldn't find anything .It hasn't lit-up since. I remember just when it lit up I had hit a good bump in the road and the car took it pretty good but not bad enough to damage anything. What the heck happened.Is this something to be concerned about?
I took the vette out today and while driving to work the Info center lite up like a X-mas tree. Service ABS.. Service Traction control ...Service Active Handling . So I got to work and turned the car off and started it backup and nothing. So I called the dealer , brougt it in and he puts it on the computer and it didn't hold any codes ..So he couldn't find anything .It hasn't lit-up since. I remember just when it lit up I had hit a good bump in the road and the car took it pretty good but not bad enough to damage anything. What the heck happened.Is this something to be concerned about?