I have been noticing on many post people’s concern over driving their vettes in the rain. I would think that with the superior handling characteristics of the vette would come superior wet weather handling all other factors and common sense being equal. Not having driven my car in a downpour
(4 months of :J EXSTATIC :J ownership) as they can be few and far between in So. Cal. I can only say that in my limited experience with this car “It sticks to the road”.
Is it more a concern for the “other” driver out there, is it getting the vette dirty…. is it a claim of “Never Driven In The Rain” or is there something about vettes that I haven’t yet realized.
“Curious new vette owner” :eyerole
(4 months of :J EXSTATIC :J ownership) as they can be few and far between in So. Cal. I can only say that in my limited experience with this car “It sticks to the road”.
Is it more a concern for the “other” driver out there, is it getting the vette dirty…. is it a claim of “Never Driven In The Rain” or is there something about vettes that I haven’t yet realized.
“Curious new vette owner” :eyerole