Over the years I've been to a number of car shows where inevitably there is a plaque or a board sitting in front of the cars with their key information on it. Things like the year of the car, some specs, maybe a few pictures. This board is often done in the same colours as the car. Its kind of like a one-pager information board to get a quick idea about what the car is.
I want to make one of these for my C3. I have been searching the internet for a template for them, but I don't know what they are generally called so have not been successful in finding one.
What do they call those information boards? Does anyone know where I could see a few samples that I could use as a starting point?
Over the years I've been to a number of car shows where inevitably there is a plaque or a board sitting in front of the cars with their key information on it. Things like the year of the car, some specs, maybe a few pictures. This board is often done in the same colours as the car. Its kind of like a one-pager information board to get a quick idea about what the car is.
I want to make one of these for my C3. I have been searching the internet for a template for them, but I don't know what they are generally called so have not been successful in finding one.
What do they call those information boards? Does anyone know where I could see a few samples that I could use as a starting point?