Sorry to confuse thing But if the product has a shiinney reflextive side and you are using that as a heat sheild to keep the heat out.Then the reflextive side should face the heat source meaning face down away from the cabin,The heat source is not coming from the cabein its coming from the trans tunnel and firewall.
Some advice on installing carpets,
Get rubber surgical gloves and change them often,Some how the glue got all over me,
Get3M adhesuve remover its in a red and white can and I have seen it at the local auto parts store,(not only did the glue get on me but it got on my car when putting the carpet into the car)
Test fit everything DRY! I layed every thing in and then made it PERFECT! then I took childrens driveway chalk and marked refrence lines all over the carpert and interiour of the car,so that when I glued up the carpert, the carpet layed back into the same spot.
I also took 2 bolts the size of the gas pedal screws and took the heads off and ground them into a point,I then screwed them into the pedal holes and then slid the carpet over the pedal bolts that seemed to be the most importent refrence point for where the front carpet had to sit.
Any place I had to put an interiour screw thru the carpet I put a dad of crazy glue so that when the screw went thru the carpert it did not tare up all the fibers.
My interiour was completeley apart when I started and the floor was clean it took me an entire afternoon to place the carpet how I wanted it,
This is a project to takel when you are relaxed and not rushed,
Good luck,Have fun,be prepared,and BE SAFE