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Who's Going to CruiseFest From The C1/C2 Forums?

Tom Bryant

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2000
Edgerton, Ohio, United States
1959 black 270hp (9/2/69) 1981 Beige L81(10/20/80)
I'm hoping to see some of you there. This will be the lowest cost event you will attend this season and it's always a lot of fun.

Thanks to Mike and the staff at Mid America for hosting this event. Click on the link below for details. Please register as soon as possible (free) as we need to determine how many will be at the various events.

CruiseFest info

I will be there. Coming in on Thursday and yes we are going to have a few :beer:beer. Looking forward to meeting all of you.
I'm planning to drive down from Chicago on Friday or Saturday. About a 200 mile run, takes about 3 hours. Very bumpy in the old 1966 but it's fun.

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