Moser, there's an entire window adjustment procedure. Basically you pull the door panel, loosen all the bolts from the anti-rattle pads, to the bottom of the guides. It's basically all the bolts you can see. Then, with the door shut, you bring the window up to about 1" from the top. Then you make sure the window sits squarely in the space. Check all the distances, from the front pillar to the window, from the top to the window, the roof line down to the door...square the window in the hole. Then you tighten the two bolts in the middle of the door, they should be the bolts that hold the window mechanism. Then, run the window all the way up, makes sure it's where it's supposed to be and tighten everything else up. Might take a few trys. I'd scan and send you the pages from my AIM, but I'm sitting in Baghdad!!!! Sorry!