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window crank issue-1960


Dec 29, 2008
1960 horizon blue
it appears the knob on the regulator that fits inside the crank handle has worn down and does not allow the crank to grab it...anyone have a fix?
A rebuild service may be your best choice like what Paragon offers. I looked at a few sources but didn't find that part seperate.

I'm looking for a way to restore traction between the handle and the worn stub on the regulator...any ingenious thoughts anybody?
I'm supprised that the handle (crank) didn't wear first. Did someone have vice-grips on it ? Try cleaning it up with a small file and then useing another handle, or switch handles on the drivers and passenger doors and see what happens.
I have tried several handles, and it's the same...the regulator part is pretty worn..possibly vice grips.

Do you think some kind of "shim" put into the handle might work?

I drilled a small hole in the handle and inserted a small allen wrench screw in it, but it doesn't hold...
If I had the regulator here I could repair it. The spline is just an old Chevy window and door handle spline. Maybe you can grind a flat on it and then epoxy a piece into the handle to take up the flat area. It's kinda Bubba but....... I would just fix it right and have it done with.


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