On my '66, I'm trying to replace the incorrect screws (8) that attach my windshield wiper grills to the body. They are currently stainless steel screws of variuos lengths. I bought the correct set which are black and came with 8 U-nuts. I thought I'd just go out and replace them but I'm a little confused now. I hope someone can help me out. I didn't find any U-Nuts in the current configuration, just what looks like grommets that have been painted over. The screws were threaded into and through these grommets which hold very well. They don't seem to have much thickness to them, barely sticking over the top and bottom edges. It looks like I could just slide the U-Nuts right over top of them they would be completely hidden so there is no need to remove them. What do you guys think of that idea? Anybody ever see these little grommet like creatures before? Also, I think I can get by without removing my wiper arms (also incorrect but I'll deal with them later) but I don't know how to remove them. How do you do that? Thanks!