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Wiper switch plate


Well-known member
May 21, 2003
'81 Black
Hello everybody,

I'm looking for a new wiper switch plate for my '81. I found somebody that sell's the whole switch but my switch is fine, the plate is the problem.
On the switch is a very thin black plastic cover (plate) with the wiper logo in transparant in the right lower corner.

I could also make the plate myself by taking is piece of black plastic, cut out the wiper logo, glue the black plastic on a transparant piece of thin pastic and finished. But I would like the have the original (or repro) if they are out there.
Anybody who knows?

Greetings Peter
Is christmas early this year?
I don't mind getting no reply's, it's not an easy part to find.
But this topic is on top of the general section for 2.5 days....
Where did everybody go? :D

Greetings Peter
Peter, did you check the corvette parts vendors????

PS Its my busy time of year,When it gets cold!!!:upthumbs:upthumbs
I only found the switch at Bair's with a call sign. But on other forums I found it is discon'ed for a couple of years. But that is still the entire switch not the plate / bezel on top that I need. :)

Greetings Peter
Here you go. I made this and sent it to the guy that does the white guage decal kits. He printed it on a rough black vinyl and it's perfect. Just lay it over the existing faded/cracked decal or sand it off.

I don't have the details of who the guy was but I believe he's on ebay or probably somewhere on the forum.

I did it by removing my old one, scanning, and cleaning it up in photoshop and adding an updated wiper icon.

http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c3-general/1896315-c3-wiper-decal.html This was my home made verison before I sent it off for a vinyl product cut.

-Justin Smith-
Duranged Design Inc.
574 W. Billinis Rd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84115

I found all my old emails from 2008. That's the guy that cut them. Awesome to deal with.


  • CorvetteWiperDecalcopy.jpg
    27.6 KB · Views: 89
Hello Rick,

Looks like you're my savior!
That is exactly what I need :upthumbs
I contact Justin and ask him if he can make the black top in vinyl and put it on a white background decal.

Last weekend I took a sharp knife and cut the wiper sign out of a black piece of vinyl. But such a smal sign is almost impossible to cut perfect. So this is at the right time in the right place! :D

Greetings Peter
Well I try to pay back all the help I get from others on these boards when I can.

He'll print a rough black vinyl sticker with white image on it...really sturdy, like plastic almost.

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
I got mine!
I used the image Rick gave me but replaced the new wiper image with the older one. Here in Holland I had a company laser cut it out of some plastic, some white plastic behind it and finished :)
Thanks again Rick!


Greetings Peter

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