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Wipers came on by themself and wont turn off


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2014
Stephens City Va
1998 Jet black coupe
Hello CAC world i had a issue with my wipers today and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this, i took the car to the car wash and as im siting in the car wash (a jet spray type car was) the wipers just start all on their own and now they won't turn off, i just bought this car a few months ago and the dealer i bought it from had replaced the wiper motor for it to pass inspection? so im not sure if it might be a bad wiper motor or bad column switch i did read about some issues with this and i seen where others had cleaned the udders i checked them and i had some leaves in them which i cleaned out but i dont think it would be enough to cause any issues then again i don't know, the bottom line they still wont turn off has anyone else dealt with this issue and if so what did you do?
Have you been able to find out what the issue is/was?
I have not, i thought i would give it a day to dry out and when i started it yesterday they were still on, so i just bought this car about 3 months ago from a local dealer i seen on the carfax report that it had failed an inspection when i asked the dealer why they told me they had to replace the wiper motor for it to pass, so i contatced them and told them about the issue i just had with them coming on all by themselfs and he told me the motor is under a warranty with there repair tech so i am going to drop it off to them tonight so they can fix it, i will post what the issue was when i find out ,unless anyone on here still has any options as to what this could be?
There is a short somewhere. Try to unplug the wiper motor and check the connection. Possibly there is water in it and the person that replaced did not connect it tightly.
Pull the fuse if you can't access the motor connector but either way, you have to start at the motor connection to check it.
Hello CAC world i had a issue with my wipers today and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this, i took the car to the car wash and as im siting in the car wash (a jet spray type car was) the wipers just start all on their own and now they won't turn off, i just bought this car a few months ago and the dealer i bought it from had replaced the wiper motor for it to pass inspection? so im not sure if it might be a bad wiper motor or bad column switch i did read about some issues with this and i seen where others had cleaned the udders i checked them and i had some leaves in them which i cleaned out but i dont think it would be enough to cause any issues then again i don't know, the bottom line they still wont turn off has anyone else dealt with this issue and if so what did you do?
Had that issue 3 years ago on my 2001, turned out to be the switch on the column. The spring internal to the switch stem had broken. I pulled the fuse until I was able to replace it.
There is a short somewhere. Try to unplug the wiper motor and check the connection. Possibly there is water in it and the person that replaced did not connect it tightly.
Pull the fuse if you can't access the motor connector but either way, you have to start at the motor connection to check it.
Actually since the dealership i bought this car from told me they had replaced the wiper motor during a failed inspection a few months ago i told them about it and dropped the car off for them to fix they are working on it now i figured it had to be either the motor or column switch which im hopeing for the motor that seems to be the easier fix i'm assuming
Had that issue 3 years ago on my 2001, turned out to be the switch on the column. The spring internal to the switch stem had broken. I pulled the fuse until I was able to replace it.
Yes i hope it isnt the switch it seems hard to be able to find a new one of those, it shows as discontinued unless you buy one used im hopeing it is the motor was submerged in water due to the sudden rush of a lot of water at the car wash that is when it actually started going by themself as soon as the power washer started in the car wash. I have pulled the fuse and dropped it by the dealer i bought it from for them to fix and also told them to cut the bottom of the udders out so water dont back up in it, i seen on forums that others have done this as well, thanks for the reply
Update: so after dropping the car off to the dealership who was willing to fix this for me they put the fuse back in after i had pulled it and sure enough the wipers were still going all by them selfs, he pulled the fuse again and drove it to his mechanics shop where it sat for a few days because they were backed up with repairs, when they pulled the car in to work on it they added the fuse to troubleshoot it and dont you know there was no issue no more the wipers work perfectly, they couldnt re-create what had happend so they couldn't trouble shoot the issue, so after picking it up i can only assume when i took it to the car wash that day the sudden rush of the jet sprayed water overwhelmed the drainage utters which were clogged some and caused the motor to be submerged in water to which it shorted out causing the issue, after sitting them 4 days in the sun it must have dried out fixing the problem, so job is complete well as of now any way i did tell them to cut the bottom out of all 4 utters so this dont happen again, thanks to all the replied :)
Update: so after dropping the car off to the dealership who was willing to fix this for me they put the fuse back in after i had pulled it and sure enough the wipers were still going all by them selfs, he pulled the fuse again and drove it to his mechanics shop where it sat for a few days because they were backed up with repairs, when they pulled the car in to work on it they added the fuse to troubleshoot it and dont you know there was no issue no more the wipers work perfectly, they couldnt re-create what had happend so they couldn't trouble shoot the issue, so after picking it up i can only assume when i took it to the car wash that day the sudden rush of the jet sprayed water overwhelmed the drainage utters which were clogged some and caused the motor to be submerged in water to which it shorted out causing the issue, after sitting them 4 days in the sun it must have dried out fixing the problem, so job is complete well as of now any way i did tell them to cut the bottom out of all 4 utters so this dont happen again, thanks to all the replied :)
Well that's great it cost you nothing or little for this!
It may happen again though but in the meantime, stay away from soaking it with water because I agree, that started the issue but there very well may be a loose or bad connection that is taking in water. Either that, or the wiper motor itself is taking in water somehow.
Well that's great it cost you nothing or little for this!
It may happen again though but in the meantime, stay away from soaking it with water because I agree, that started the issue but there very well may be a loose or bad connection that is taking in water. Either that, or the wiper motor itself is taking in water somehow.
I agree and will certainly keep an eye on it, thanks for the reply :)
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