Thanks for everyone's kind words. The area I was most concerned about was the Turn signal cancelling, and anyone who has owned a C1 can probably relate. I tested it 30 or 40 times before I put it on the trailer, but when entering the judging field It was not working properly! Tweaked the cam assembly a little and fortunately it worked flawlessly the day of the PV.
The one that really caught me flat-footed was the hood release assy, it failed the operation! Originals can only go in and out but cannot rotate while repro's can rotate, but nowhere in the manual is this documented. I was ready to throw in the towel, thinking that there was no way to fix this issue in the single alloted repair time of 15 minutes.
A great fellow corvette restorer by the name of Todd Spain said that he thought that we could fix it. We pulled the entire hood release assembly and all the cables out, filed the shaft flat on one side and Todd peened the housing in on one side to prevent rotation of the handle. We installed the unit, adjusted the cables and the judges accepted the operation!
Talk about high drama on the judging field, I had to calm down for about 15 minutes before I could go out on the road course!
The amount of people who assisted in the effort was amazing and showed the absolute best of the NCRS that day.
I had spent so much time going through dry runs day after day, that getting hit with the hood release issue just took the wind out of my sails. Thankfully several people talked me into proceding ahead, and I am glad they did!
Regards, John McGraw