Well with the green antifreeze from what I have heard going to be faded out and not sold anymore, what is everyone going to use in their C4? I see that they have made this new yellow stuff? Other then that the only thing I have seen is dexcool, and I have heard some horror stories about that. Thanks
I have 11 vehicles including pickups, cars, the corvette,combine, and farm tractors ranging in age from 1967 to 2005. They all have Dexcool or the equivalent diesel coolant in their radiators; I've been using Dexcool for 10 years now with excellent results. If you have a dirty system, Dexcool will clean it up. If you have leak holes that are plugged with junk, you will get a leak because Dexcool will clean up the junk. GM used stop leak in some vehicles that caused problems that Dexcool was blamed for which accounts for some of the horror stories. Use Dexcool and enjoy the benefits of longer waterpump life, a cleaner system, and less changing of anti-freeze.
Your 87 will be just fine if you stay with the ethlyene glycol (green) coolant. It's going to be around for awhile and there should be no reason to change. As long as the system is clean and the hoses are in good condition, there is probably no real reason to change coolant formulas.
There are new formulas in coolant that are designed to be a universal-type coolant as some cars use a specific coolant that is neither ethlyene glycol or a Dexcool type.
Do some searches with Google using terms like automotive coolants or anti-freeze to get som einformation about what color means what and where it can be safely used.
Our local parts store (Auto Zone) stoped carrying the premixed coolant. They have prestone for a while, and now that has turned to the yellow stuff. The only green stuff they have is Zerox, and said they only had 4 containers left. So is it just our area that is not getting the green antifreeze?
Ethlyene glycol coolant is still easily found around here. The local Wally World has lots of Prestone as does the local Shuck's (Kragen's) and AutoZone. Costco has it too.
Our shop uses bulk pre-mixed 50% green coolant and distilled water and there is no talk of that type of coolant going away.
That was really good, it was no problem adding that to the system. It was mixed and ready to go. It gets cold here but with the cars in the garage, there is no problem. I asked the guy at auto zone and he told me they could no longer get it. I am going to search at pep boys, or advanced auto, and see whats going on. Thanks alot for the info.
I went to Walmart on friday and the only kind of coolant they had was the yellow stuff which might have been prestone and the dexcool, the only other container they had was supertech, but I didn't even look at that, I just left.
If you go to the Prestone website, you'll find that the green ethlyene glycol stuff is not mentioned. They have a new coolant that is "supposed" to be compatible with all cooling systems.
I have a couple of gallon jugs of Prestone coolant that are about 3 years old and "green" is sort of a misnomer. When I mixed them with distilled water, it's more of a yellowish color but there is a sort of green tint to the mix. Some other coolants are definitely sort of an apple green. The important thing to look for is the name of the chemical you want. If it says ethlyene glycol on the bottle, that should be a clue to use it in only those cars that require that type of coolant.
I've read the automotive trades magazines we get in our shop and the consensus seems to be that if a car requires a specific type of coolant, that is what should be used to avoid any problems. Later GM cars that use Dexcool should only get Dexcool for refills and flushes. All of these mags do not recommend a major change from one type of coolant to another. Some European imports require their own type of coolant and they cannot use substitutes. Some Asian cars are the same way.
I saw the antifreeze jugs at walmart. The prestone comes in a yellow jug now instead of the old gold colored one. It now says on the lable that it is any color antifreeze, and can be mixed with any color coolant in any system. I just glanced, because people behind me were pratically pushing me along. Damn last minute shoppers.
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