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ZO6 Tiger Shark


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2002
Freeport, N.Y. USA
1990 ZR1 # 203 Red - CR1 Callaway Supernatural 490

I met one of my good friends last night and he just arrived from Kentucky with a bunch of news after personally seeing the 2006 ZO6 Tiger shark and speaking to an engineer. The Plant will be closed for retooling. This is what he saw:

1) Seats are race inspired with 5 point seatbelt slots.

2) 21' rims on Front and 22' rims in Rear.

3) Michelin tires - no more Goodyear's

4) Car rear bumper is Convex verse Concave

5) Car was tested at the Nuremberg (Not sure of the spelling) Track in Germany - Car exceeded 225 mph. This will be the fastest production car in the world as stated by an engineer that he spoke to.

6) 6.3 or 6.7 Liter

7) Z06 Tiger Shark will have at least 550 hp but will have the potential to have excess of over 800 with little modification, no need to go into the internals to produce the additional hp.

8) Price - $68,500

9) Production Numbers 1000 the first year and is projected to increase by 500 based on sales for the next 3 years. First year will be the least made.

10) Speculated but not confirmed a 3 year run.

11) Z06 Tiger shark is CAM CAR design inspired i.e. Wheel wells flared, front and rear.

12) Brembos all around

1badzr1 said:

I met one of my good friends last night and he just arrived from Kentucky with a bunch of news after personally seeing the 2006 ZO6 Tiger shark and speaking to an engineer. The Plant will be closed for retooling. This is what he saw:

1) Seats are race inspired with 5 point seatbelt slots.

2) 21' rims on Front and 22' rims in Rear.

3) Michelin tires - no more Goodyear's

4) Car rear bumper is Convex verse Concave

5) Car was tested at the Nuremberg (Not sure of the spelling) Track in Germany - Car exceeded 225 mph. This will be the fastest production car in the world as stated by an engineer that he spoke to.

6) 6.3 or 6.7 Liter

7) Z06 Tiger Shark will have at least 550 hp but will have the potential to have excess of over 800 with little modification, no need to go into the internals to produce the additional hp.

8) Price - $68,500

9) Production Numbers 1000 the first year and is projected to increase by 500 based on sales for the next 3 years. First year will be the least made.

10) Speculated but not confirmed a 3 year run.

11) Z06 Tiger shark is CAM CAR design inspired i.e. Wheel wells flared, front and rear.

12) Brembos all around

For some reason my heart beat went up by 25% by reading this - have no earthly idea why, LOL!! Is this the standard C6 Z06 you are referring to or the so called 'Blue Devil' that got so much press a little while ago? Either way, awe inspiring! Thanks for the post.
Mine too Z_OH, Hey, I might be able to afford one of those Bad Larrys! Will the C6 ZO6 fever get to me?? I might have to go down and visit my buddy and get a deposit in..........cool!
Hi 1badzr1 -

I just read this - thanks for the info - I was down in BG earlier this year - there were supposedly Z06 mules out and about at night according to sources at the NCM (:w AB) - but nobody ever saw one in our gathering.

If the new Z is $75 or less, I'll get one.

I am expecting a 70K car with 450-475HP, wider body, larger diameter rims (but say 19-20" f-r.) I have heard that there is diminishing returns when you get much above 19 or 20" wheels, in terms of the performance tade-off of the heavier wheel/tire combination.

I am expecting a aluminum hydro-formed frame, and some used of carbon fiber in the car. Dave Hill said they will continue to refine and lighten - an alloy frame seems a no-brainer to me. I expect a 2975 curb weight.

I am anticipating a three-valve-per-cylinder smallblock, with pushrods and a 'Y' shaped rocker arm to open two valves simultaneously. I anticipate a similar displacement as the LS2.

And, since I am memorializing this on CAC, I also anticipate a different model designation - no longer called Z06 - ZL1 perhaps? ZL6? ??

I certainly could see a racing seat with slots - perhaps a lightweight seat - that would be in keeping with the over all program. I was not thinking of this, but I have added it to my "Karnak-preview" Z06 vision.

Thanks for posting your info!

best regards -

Shoot Man! I just got my wife talked into letting me buy my 2003 Z06 and now I will need to find a way to finagle a new Tiger Shark purchase! :D Any helpful hints on how to accomplish this with the wife? I have only had my Z06 for two weeks now.

Help is available!!!!!!

What was your plan for getting the 2003 Z06????????

Maybe I can help you expand on your plans to get the Tiger Shark!!!!!!

I'll be glad to help!!!!!!!

Z06ADCT said:
Shoot Man! I just got my wife talked into letting me buy my 2003 Z06 and now I will need to find a way to finagle a new Tiger Shark purchase! :D Any helpful hints on how to accomplish this with the wife? I have only had my Z06 for two weeks now.

Well, my wife always knew that I have wanted a Corvette since childhood. Last year at Downtown Disney, there was a Father's Day 50th anniversaryCorvette show that her and the kids took me to for Father's day. Anyways, a friend suggested I search for a pre-owned one. I stumbled on my 2003 with only 9444 miles on it and still under warranty. At $37,500 it was a great deal when almost the exact same car (no mods) at the dealer was 10K more. I reviewed the finances with her and showed that we could afford it. After asking if I could get it, she asked me: "Are you going to be good?" I guess implying the looks and attraction from the ladies I may get. Of course I said yes. And the rest is history. Funny thing: my wife doesn't know how to drive a stick shift transmission. Lucky me I guess. :D

theblackvette said:
What was your plan for getting the 2003 Z06????????

Maybe I can help you expand on your plans to get the Tiger Shark!!!!!!

I'll be glad to help!!!!!!!

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