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Who am I??


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2000
Amarillo, TX
1981 UL5
Due to circumstances beyond our control :D we have lost the old photo's... So..

Andy (navy2kcoupe) sent me this photo last week to post when it was my turn :chuckle No I didn't crash the "Off Topic" Forums to win... but it is a thought ;LOL

So to kick start this off.... here we go

Thanks Andy​

How does that stuff just disappear? Years and years of hard work trying to figure out who those folks were.....gone in the blink of an eye.........somehow it's the liberals fault....we just have to figure out how they did it.... :mad
How does that stuff just disappear? Years and years of hard work trying to figure out who those folks were.....gone in the blink of an eye.........somehow it's the liberals fault....we just have to figure out how they did it.... :mad

Nah, not the Libertards... the Mustang Forums though, hmmm just maybe!:L
You guys may be on to something :eek

I bet "The EDGE" was the problem... NSA along with the Attorney General and let's not forget the IRS...

Surely they didn't crash a harmless Corvette Site... Hmm I need to ask Rob, maybe he asked the Obamacare WebMaster for advice :eek :eek

Ok we need to get past this and back to our Mystery Guest thread... :D ;LOL :happyanim:

Another photo, Huskerman was soooo close :D



  • Mystery Guest_07.JPG
    Mystery Guest_07.JPG
    41.9 KB · Views: 124
Glenn Corbett who played Linc on the TV show Route 66.

We have our "First Winner"!!! of our re-generated "Who Am I"

You know what this means Gregory :D

I liked Glenn better than George on the show. :w
New entry:

Mystery Guest 08.jpg


OK guys, this one is going to be slight departure from the norm for me... I find this woman to be EXTREMELY beautiful!

What is her name and what is her claim to fame?

Whitney Thompson


How about another image of this woman...

I am going to have to send an SOS or something out for help for this one.

Here's another picture of this Canadian beauty!


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