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Another Canuck!

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I wouldn't even try to catch you! Thanks for the welcome to all and that is one nice Vette!
Thanks Nobody Cares! We do and if I had that Vette I'd really care.
Southey, SK? I used to live not far from there... for about 6 months in Pile o'Bones like every Mountie since the March West. :D

Hi Mac, so you spent some time in Regina. I worked as a Transportation Planner for that City for 28 years. Own the hotel in Southey right now. Just got an offer to purchase from a gent in Stoney Creek, Alberta. I'm happy to be aboard and glad I found this forum.
One more thing Mac.....there's nothing worse then a Queen's Cowbay with a fast Vette. Our six gents and gentettes from our detachment still drive Fords and SUV's for chasing the bad guys through the sloughs and muck holes! LOL.
Take care out there!
Hi John & Karen,

Welcome to the CAC, you will love the crowd here as they are real great folks!

Take care,
Brian & Jane

TORONTO, CANADA shouts back to you !!


One more thing Mac.....there's nothing worse then a Queen's Cowbay with a fast Vette. Our six gents and gentettes from our detachment still drive Fords and SUV's for chasing the bad guys through the sloughs and muck holes! LOL.
Take care out there!
Her Majesty (or her designate) sent me to BC and I've been out here since 89. The closest that I ever got to a Corvette for work was chasing one. We had a couple of highway patrol Camaros and Mustangs but no Vettes. The Crown Vics were always second choice to the Caprice/Impala but GM stopped making rear driver/V8s for us.

Congrats on the 92 vert !! :upthumbs Welcome to the Forum, they're great for getting up to speed on all Vette things and you will also meet a lot of new friends. :beer

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