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Help! Interior lights stay on?


New member
Jan 27, 2008
silver 1988 coupe
allright guys I need some major help. My 1988 coupes interior lights stay on all the time. Wile I'm driving, while the car is locked, while the doors are ope,closed doesn't matter. THere is no door hatch ajar sign on the control panel, and everytime I take the key out of the ignition the security light flashes as soon as the key is pulled out. It doesn't matter if the door is closed or open, or locked or unlocked. Also no my headlight knob is not turned all the way to the left. I'm not really sure where to start, and I'm really getting tired of dissconnecting the battery everytime I park the car. so if any of you guys have ever run across anything similar to this I will take any advise or suggestions.
Interior light timer module? Little black box about 2x2x1/2 that sits near the ECU under the passenger-side hush panel.
You could also pull the proper fuse, or remove the bulbs until you get a final fix. I agree the timer module is likely the culprit.
Somebody's Slammed the door hard and Knocked the Rt or Lt door switch out of adjustment!!! Or maybe even broke a switch!! :upthumbs
Wouldn't a broken door switch turn on the door-ajar light, though? He said it's off.
The last 2 switches I replaced didn't either! There is actually 2 switches in 1 unit!! RascalRascal's Drivers door switch had the threads on the adjustment pin striped,so he pulled it out and slid a small o ring on it and it fixed it!!The switch runs around $20.00!!:upthumbs
I had a similar problem that I traced to the door lock switch. If I don't assure that the key lock is straight up and down when I unlock the door, the lights will stay on until I pull the fuse. It always seemed to be worse when it is wet( probably in a hurry to get in the car:eyerole).
Try dipping your door key in some motor oil ( synthetic or dino:L) and work the lock around. This seemed to cure my problem.
Had a similar problem a few years back with my 92 - turned out to be the right door switch. They can be adjusted sometimes.

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