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Recent content by lagasvd

  1. L

    Help! 86 Power window switch replacement

    I need to replace the power window switch in the consel of my 86. From what I understan is that it can be done without removing the consel. How?
  2. L

    Wheel and Tire conversion

    Go to www.tirerack.com and in their tech pages it gives a great description of what all the tire sizes mean and how to convert to tire height and width between different size tires and rims. Great info.
  3. L

    Bose radio ?

    Bose Stereo I have an 86 convertable that had the Bose system in in with amplifiers for each speaker. It wasn't doing well. I debated about getting it fixed or replacing it with an aftermarket. After considerable debate, the cost was going to be about the same ($500) but what persueded me was...
  4. L


    Try this site for troubleshooting your Bose system. http://www.carstereohelp.com/ It helped me out just for the removal and istallation. I opted to go with a aftermarket system. It was much cheaper, upgraded to CD player, sounds better (20+ years technology advancement sure makes a difference)...
  5. L

    Changing AC Compressor

    If I were you I would find a reputable mechanic and have them diagnose and fix. It can be expensive to have repaired but worth it to have it done right the first time. The compressor went out on my 86 convertible and I have an excellent mechanic. When you replace the compressor you need to also...
  6. L

    1986 Stereo Wiring Diagram

    Thanks for the wiriing diagram. If it is the same for a 1986 it will be real useful, I guess I'll find out when I pull the old one. Thanks again.
  7. L

    1986 Stereo Wiring Diagram

    I've searched the forum and couldn't find anything. I'm replacing the Bose stereo in my 1986 convertable with an after market non-Bose system including new wires and speakers. One question and one request. I found that the rear speakers are 6 by 9 inche but what speakers best fit in the door...
  8. L

    L98 engine life

    98 Life I've just turned 42K on my 86 Vette convertible and still running strong.
  9. L

    Tire Size 315/35/17

    I'm running P315\35R17 on the back of my 86 vert on 11" rims. They run great and look great.
  10. L

    Tire Size opinions please

    I have the ZR-1 rims on my 1986 convertable with P315/35R17 in back and P275/40R17 in the front. Looks and handles great. Can't rotate them but then who cares. Got Sumitomo tires from www.tirerack.com delivered to the house for $441.69 for all four. Love them so far.
  11. L

    Magnaflow 2.5-inch cat abck exhaust

    I put 2.5" magnaflow SS on my 86 convertible last year. I have experienced no resolution probllems and they sound great! Definetly would go that route again. If you decide to check prices remember that they can only quote so low on the internet and you need to phone the people to get their...
  12. L

    cleaning in front of radiator

    To do a decent job of cleaning out this area, and believe me it will help, you need to drain the coolant and remove the radiator. Not to bad or to long of a job but you will appreciate it when it is done. Here's a link to let you know how to do it...
  13. L

    00-04 Chrome Lug Nut Covers

    Make an offer, consider these are sitting on my shelf, taking up space, and I can't use them on my 1986!
  14. L

    Growling noise w/ac engaged

    I had the same "growling" noises on my 86 when the AC kicked on. It ended up being the idler arm bearing for the serpintine (sp) belt. Listen to this with a screwdriver and check the tension on it. I believe you can check the tension on yours by checking the marker on the idler arm it self. You...
  15. L

    00-04 Chrome Lug Nut Covers

    For Sale: 20 brand new, never used, chrome lug nut covers for 00 - 04 corvette. E-mail me or leave message if interested. Price: cheap plus shipping.
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