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  1. FrankM

    Alterantor light stays on dimly 12v idle 13v driving.

    Thats where I would place my bet too..:s
  2. FrankM

    Alterantor light stays on dimly 12v idle 13v driving.

    John, a partialy shorted cell could do it. You can read the battery voltage when the car has been sitting awhile,(turned off) especially when hot. 11.8 is ok. Then I would check the alternator output with a load tester. Sometimes auto zone has the tools to borrow.
  3. FrankM

    Alterantor light stays on dimly 12v idle 13v driving.

    check regulator first can have a bad diode in alternator too I have also seen this with a shorted cell in the battery
  4. FrankM

    Radiator tank cracked

    a good radiator repair shop cam replace just the plastic tank.
  5. FrankM

    '88 Wheels

    There are places that repair the rims. When done they look as new. Usually costs less than buying a good used one.
  6. FrankM

    1988 corvette question

    :L :L :L Nice one !!! I have to remember that one....
  7. FrankM

    Interior Lights don't always come on

    I second the door ajar switch (actually the interior light switch,a seperate one) as the problem. the light circuitry is ok as it goes on with the passenger door. check it out.
  8. FrankM

    1988 corvette question

    A major problem is, once you start driving it you won't be able to stop and park it for any length of time. Other year Vettes have the same problem too as many owners have found out. It is very costly to repair and can cost as much as a marriage if the problem is very serious. Be prepared and...
  9. FrankM

    What is your range/MPG?

    I guess we are never to old to learn a lesson...:bash :bash :s
  10. FrankM

    What is your range/MPG?

    LOL My '61 fuelie got 8 mpg on hwy.... handled almost lethal with its leave spring solid axle and kingpin steering.... my '88 fuelie gets 28-29 on hwy.... also it is more stable, rides and handles 100% better.. the design of the steering and suspesion is more effcient too.. my '61 sounded...
  11. FrankM

    What is your range/MPG?

    I and others are simply interested in efficiency. This also applies to highly modified engines operating at peak efficiency. Looking at modern buildings,jet planes, cruise ships, (corvettes too) etc. as an example of efficiency is amazing for what they are.
  12. FrankM

    What is your range/MPG?

    how much is the ticket? :cry :cry
  13. FrankM

    Help diag a rear end noise.. :(

    I am placing my money on ring/pinion gear noise. It usually won't get worse and will be an annoyance more than anything else. The alignment of the gears is very important and often times a slight bit of wear in an unusual pattern will get you to this point. A bearing will usually be noisy no...
  14. FrankM

    Mobil 1- What's up???

    I use regular Shell Rotella (from walmart) 15w-40 in older diesels and Mobil Delvac 1 (5w-40 in new diesels. the synthetic has a CH-4 rating and is good for 10k mile intervals. Thats what the new VW TDi's are to use per factory.
  15. FrankM

    Mobil 1- What's up???

    any diesel oil gets black immediately after being changed. this is normal. you can not tell if diesel oil needs to be changed without oil sampling or knowing how many miles are on it and what type of oil it is. :bu
  16. FrankM

    Mobil 1- What's up???

    Many Diesels are running way way over 15k miles on a regular basis and suffer no ill effects. True filters get changed and regular oil samples drawn along with synthetic usuage. As we know they run 500- 1,000,000 mileson same bearings etc. My point is the proper synthetic can endure high...
  17. FrankM

    What is your range/MPG?

    O² sensors get lazy with mileage. after 60k miles just change it/them or check the O² counts and see if they are in spec. you can see 15% increase in mileage if he sensor is very lazy, yet never have a CEL/SES light.
  18. FrankM

    What is your range/MPG?

    I get 28-30 mpg @ 68mph on interstate. no ac, windows closed. I lose a mile if I keep windows open and encounter some traffic. lose 2 miles with ac on.
  19. FrankM

    Summer Trip

    Stop by here in Derry, NH give a holler when you can nail down a time frame.
  20. FrankM


    I have replaced my tires many times. Last time I paid more for the Michelin Pilots. Best traction and wear so far. Have 53k on them and I know they will hit 65k easy. well worth any extra money. for a car of this magnitude the extra cost is peanuts. :s
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