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What is your range/MPG?

18.9 avg multiple tanks of fuel

Daily Driver, 87, and for the last couple of mos...18.9
Drive about 120 miles p/day to and from work...
some highway, some stop and go...If I take the belt way, about 50/50.
Back roads...takes longer and drive harder, but probably about the same as 50/50.....
Doh! I just realized why I am getting less mileage...............a/c! I have been using it pretty regular the last couple of weeks vs. when I first got it on the road with the miniram engine. That explains the 2 mpg or so drop.

Wow, I don't feel so bad, because some of you guys are in the low teens. Of course, there can be a direct relation to the accelerator pedal.:bu
I do not have A/C but I do have an accelerator pedal :bu
how much is the ticket?
:cry :cry
Combination driving I average 20.2 --on the interstate station to station using mid-grade gas I average 23.4- but remember we do not buy Vettes for the mileage.
What is your range/MPG

Funny, that's about what the dealer said to me when I bought my first Vette. I asked him, more out of curiosity then anything, what the gas mileage was. In a very insulted tone he replied, "Are you interested in performance or gas mileage? If it is gas mileage you are interested in I have a Chevette over here that does real well." Of course by this time he knew he had that hook in my mouth and he could get away with almost anything.

I actually do track gas mileage but mostly for performance measurement then anything. If I notice a sudden unexplained dip I know something is wrong. But generally I have been pleasently surprised at how much gas mileage most Vettes get. But if it were 10 MPG I would still be driving it! :)

I asked him, more out of curiosity then anything, what the gas mileage was. In a very insulted tone he replied, "Are you interested in performance or gas mileage? If it is gas mileage you are interested in I have a Chevette over here that does real well."

I and others are simply interested in efficiency. This also applies to highly modified engines operating at peak efficiency.

Looking at modern buildings,jet planes, cruise ships, (corvettes too) etc. as an example of efficiency is amazing for what they are.
FrankM is certainly right about the efficiency. I mean, there is a point that you wouldn't want mileage to get to; such as 8 MPG. It has to be something practical as well as stylish!
BullWinkle said:
FrankM is certainly right about the efficiency. I mean, there is a point that you wouldn't want mileage to get to; such as 8 MPG. It has to be something practical as well as stylish!


My '61 fuelie got 8 mpg on hwy....
handled almost lethal with its leave spring solid axle and kingpin steering....

my '88 fuelie gets 28-29 on hwy....
also it is more stable, rides and handles 100% better.. the design of the steering and suspesion is more effcient too..

my '61 sounded lethal though and that part i still miss.. idling at a traffic light was like being in a dragster at the start line....wowweee :_rock
nyernga said:
Frank............the ticket is $140.00

the good news is on the return trip we averaged 23.8 mpg

no ticket either:Twist :Twist

I guess we are never to old to learn a lesson...:bash :bash :s
What is your range/MPG

Yeah I have a restored '55 Chevy that looks stock but it will almost leave the ground when I let out the clutch. Keeping it right side up under power is a task! :)
It is one of those cars that you don't discuss gas mileage. It also has OD for whatever help that is. My guess is that the Holly 4 barrell double pumper could suck up about 10 Miles to the gallon on a good day.

Both my '85 and '86 Vettes are better looking, more fun to drive, and dramatically more efficent. :) So why have I poured half of my life's savings into that project?..NOSTALGIA I guess. But I would rather drive either of the Vettes............

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