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  1. douglasamariani

    AIR tube at catalytic converter

    There are high flow cats out there that you can still hook up the air tube. Magnaflow installed mine...
  2. douglasamariani

    Automatic transmission question

    Take it to another shop to have it looked at
  3. douglasamariani

    Help! Odometer not working

    Sent mine out 2 years ago to be fixed. It was the odometer drive gear.
  4. douglasamariani

    Give me the skinny on the renegade intake for the 82 crossfire

    Its best to replace your tires every 5 years. Better safe than sorry
  5. douglasamariani

    84 intake crossfire fit on 82 crossfire ?..

    The 84 crossfire intake will fit on 82 crossfire.
  6. douglasamariani

    Choke light

  7. douglasamariani

    Concerns buying rebuilt engine?

    Yeah looks like we lost him LOL
  8. douglasamariani

    Concerns buying rebuilt engine?

    If the current owner is unaware of what was done to the engine ,look for another car. If it had 43k at the time of it being rebuilt, it shouldn't have needed to be bored unless the engine wasn't taken care of during it life. Ask for receipts of what was done and what documentation he has on the...
  9. douglasamariani

    Exhaust for 77

  10. douglasamariani

    Exhaust for 77

    I went with MagnaFlow. Great sound :thumb
  11. douglasamariani

    Modified ‘82 Vette walk around

    Looks & sounds great :thumb Would like to have seen pictures/video of the engine bay.
  12. douglasamariani

    Question: 12 Bolt Upgrade

    Theres a few companys that sell the complete differential assembly. But heres a link to the kit. https://www.tomsdifferentials.com/2011catalog/Pages14-23.pdf
  13. douglasamariani

    Difficult to come off of high idle

    Have you checked the choke linkage? Check if it sticking? Is the choke butterfly opening all the way?
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