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Automatic transmission question


Active member
Jul 3, 2015
Cheektowaga, NY
1980 Mellow Yellow
I have a 1980 Corvette with an automatic tranmission. Recently the exhaust donut on the righ side disintgrated. I also had a problem with my transmission where it was up shifting through the gears very quickly. It was in third gear before I reached 20 miles per hour. It got to the point where I was manually shifting. I made an appointment to have the donut replaced and to have the shifting problem looked at. On the way to the shop the transmission would not automatically shift at all. In fact I had a problem manually shifting. When I called the shop to check the staus of my car my mechanic told me he couldn't find any issue with shifting. He told me it was shifting perfectly. Is it possible that an exhaust leak would have a affect on the transmission shifting? Thanks, Dave
Not likely unless it burned some wires or vacuum hoses.
I do have a recommendation from my mechanic for a transmission shop. Since it is shifting fine and it's almost time for winter hibernation I will wait till spring if I need further diagnosis. Thanks for your reply.

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