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  1. F

    Will C6 be another Republican like C5 or will it finally be a Democrat..?

    Watch what you wish for! :mad :( It was the Dem’s (Kennedy and Ralph Nater) that took away the power. :cool :w
  2. F

    Problem with the Active Handling and ABS

    My 2000 only has 37,000 miles. I'm still trying to find a new ABS/TCS module that is not $436.00. That's the part price the dealer quoted me. So far the car runs great with the problem and I just have to go slow around curves. :cool :w
  3. F

    HELP difference in ABS models

    OK, I understand they are not the same. Does anyone know what the option is that make them different? Thanks, Gary:cool :w
  4. F

    Problem with the Active Handling and ABS

    rylanardoin I purchased a new module from ebay and started to change it out when I noticed a part number difference. It was listed as good for a 2000 and I think I may have been taken. This is the down side of ebay and doing your own work. I will keep you posted. Gary:cool :w
  5. F

    HELP difference in ABS models

    Does anyone know the difference between the ABS module with a large V vs M ? ABS-5-TAC/AH model 09360921 ABS-5/TCS/MSVA2 model 16268689 Thanks Gary:cool :w
  6. F

    c5 technical seminar, would you attend??????

    I would certainly attend, if the place and time aligns with my availability. Thanks! Gary :cool :w
  7. F

    Fuel Door gets stuck

    I looked up the fuel door opening solenoid and it is behind the left speaker. What you would have to do is manually pull on the release cable after removing the speaker panel. Gary
  8. F

    Fuel Door gets stuck

    I'll look it up tonight.
  9. F

    Fuel Door gets stuck

    Yes, there is. It's a wire cable inside the trunk/hatch on the drivers side. I've not used mine but remember reading about it. Gary :cool :w
  10. F

    Problem with the Active Handling and ABS

    No front end damage that I know of. I bought the car a year ago and have put 20K miles on it since. The problem just showed up. I did clean the connector to the ABS module with a connector contact cleaner after the problem started but had no success. Thanks, Gary :cool :w
  11. F

    Problem with the Active Handling and ABS

    Ok I disconnected the battery and drove until I got to 70. the new codes are: TCS C1232H TCS C1234H TCS C1243H TCS C1277H RFA U1016H RFA U1064A RFA U1096H SDM U1040H Thanks Gary :cool
  12. F

    Crackly BOSE CD Changer

    I had the same problem and cleaning all the CD's and the magazine fixed the problem. Gary :cool :w
  13. F

    squeaky brake fixable under warranty?

    c4c5specialist I respect your opinion, I would like to understand why? Thanks, Gary :cool :beer
  14. F

    Problem with the Active Handling and ABS

    The codes are as follows: PCM P1571H TCS P1232H TCS C1234H TCS C1243H TCS C1277H RFA U1016H RFA U1040H RFA U1096H IPC U1160H Thanks, Gary:cool
  15. F

    squeaky brake fixable under warranty?

    Hi There, My wife’s van had an annoying squeak (not her the van) and I sprayed the back of the pads with stop squeak and the problem went away. Gary :cool :w
  16. F

    Problem with the Active Handling and ABS

    The only module I remember coming up was a line that said 1 Code for PCM, the others may have been a TCS but I'm not sure. I'll have to check tonight. Thanks, Gary
  17. F

    Problem with the Active Handling and ABS

    Problem with the Active Handling and ABS. Both the Active Handling and ABS lights come on when I hit 75 and are off when I first start up the car. The DIC also has service ABS and Active Handling. The following codes are present: C1243H P1571H C1234H C1277H U1096H U1016H P1232H U1040H This looks...
  18. F

    Coupe roof

    Are the rubber tips on the two retaining latches? Gary
  19. F

    Stay away from Town Fair Tire!!

    I do not live in NY so I can not have an impact on them, but if I did live there thety would also lose my business. Their action is the beginning of a company that will fail. :( :( :bash Save the wave :cool :w
  20. F

    Bent rims

    I did NOT notice any vibration while driving. The first tire on the machine was ok. The second tire went out of control and the operator had to reseat it, and then it only had a small but noticeable variation as it spun. I do think that the operator has a method to produce the bent rim "look" by...
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