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  1. F

    Bent rims

    I bought new tires this weekend and had two bent rims. The tires were worn even though. After thinking about it, (hours later) I think the shop guy purposely mounted the rim with the new tire on the balance machine so that it would look like a bent rim. Has anyone else had any similar...
  2. F

    Battery goes dead

    It sounds like you may have a bad ground, I would check the ground cable between the chassis and battery. happy driving, save the wave. :cool :beer :Steer Gary
  3. F

    Front license cover

    I have an ez-pass and there is a small area near the mirros that is clear of the copper tinting and the transmitter works just fine. I once had a transmitter that could be mounted outside and I mounted it inside the the nose. Happy driving, save the wave. :cool :beer :Steer
  4. F


    Welcome to the club. Great looking ride, love the shine! Go out and enjoy!:cool :beer :Steer
  5. F

    VATS Codes

    Hey tankman, I've been at GDLS for the Tracer Program. All of the FLIRs we make here are very high end and are for military usage. Low end FLIRs are in some of the high end cars, but I don't truly see the need, unless you want to drive around with your lights off. Gary
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    VATS Codes

    North of Watertown, that's Canada, that's just TOOOOOO cold . :( :( I've been here 23 years and love it!! I sometimes work RF but not often. Maybe we'll meet in October! Gary
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    VATS Codes

    Hi Loen, Did my spelling or typing give me away on being from upstate NY? I'm from Cortland, near Syracuse. I work at Lockheed designing FLIR (Forward Looking Inferred) systems Gary
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    VATS Codes

    They probably sell them on ebay. The cd palyer in the rear of my vette was also removed before I bought the car. I purchased my new fobs and a CD player on ebay. I noticed that you live in Melborne. I live and work in the Orlando area.
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    VATS Codes

    Hi Leon, I would check to see if Ecklers would measue yours and verify that their new key was within the tolerance. I purchase a used 2000 that was originally a lease car and it only came with one fob. I have not purchased a two additional fobs. I keep one at work and one at home just to make...
  10. F

    Does anyone out there drive their car daily?

    Drive my 2000 every day and even take the long way home just to enjoy it more. I do have to admitt that I live in Florida where the roads are clear all year. Vetts are for FUN though, enjoy. :cool :w
  11. F

    Michelin Tires

    I'm with Jim. As an engineer I look at supporting my fellow Americans when I design or buy something. I,m also quick to look where a product is made when my children want me to fix it, it always confirms my opinion that foreign is NOT better.:beer
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    Michelin Tires

    I looked into Michelin tires for my C5, and they are made in FRANCE.:( :( :r
  13. F

    What happened to the thread with the white beta pics?

    I can understand why GM needs to keep their designs out of the hands of the public and the competition XXX for as long as possible. They spend a lot of time and money to bring their customers new and innovative ideas. If their competitors can "steal" those ideas and implement them into their...
  14. F

    ok steering locked again

    According to my dealer the 2000 was not part of the recall. GM must not have had enough problems to justify a recall for 2000 and up. The fix however is exactly the same as the recalled years.
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    Buying a Vette for the 1st Time

    They would have kept the $75.00. I considered that a small risk.
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    Buying a Vette for the 1st Time

    I forgot to mention. I got my $75.00 back because I bought the car.:) :cool
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    Buying a Vette for the 1st Time

    veteluvr74, What made the experience so go was I found the Vette on the web with a picture, a full description first, and the exact price. I then went to my local car max and told them I wanted to see the car and asked what the condition of the interior and exterior was and if it was a smoker’s...
  18. F

    Differential fluid

    c4c5specialist thanks for your input. FLIR_Man (Gary):cool
  19. F

    Buying a Vette for the 1st Time

    I purchased a 2000 Vett through Carmax.com my first Vett. Best experience at buying a car I've ever had. It is also the most fun car I've ever had. I did have a problem with the steering column lock up but that was taken care of quickly. I drive it daily and also drove it to Bowling Green for...
  20. F

    Differential fluid

    Yes, The only difference is the slide show also shows replacing the fluid in a manual transmission, just like your Z06. I do like the ramps though. Do not have to worry about the car falling.
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