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  1. P

    C5 Oil change simplified

    I'm the same way, I really wonder why so many people go to the trouble of jacking up the back end just to get out a tiny little bit more oil. When you factor in the huge 6.5 quart sump in these engines, that little bit of extra leftover oil only represents a small percentage of the total...
  2. P

    Hey Y'all - What was the name of this C5's color?

    It probably just looks darker because of the way the picture was taken. You could take a picture of the exact same car at the exact same time with two different cameras and get two totally different looking results. Same goes with monitors, everyone's monitor is going to be calibrated slightly...
  3. P

    Question: oil

    You definitely don't want to put that stuff in your oil! Just use an oil that meets the GM4718M spec, and add no additives to it.
  4. P

    Question: High Milage C5

    104,000 miles on mine and it runs perfectly! It's been a fantastic daily driver, I haven't even had to spend any money on repairs since 2006! :upthumbs
  5. P

    How much did you pay for your Corvette

    I bought my C5 used in August 2004 for $33,000 CDN, with 32,000 miles on it. At the time it was about $5000 less than any other 97-98 C5 I found up here, and with less miles than the others that were for sale too. The car was in near showroom condition too, with lots of extras on it like the...
  6. P

    Run Flats - Are you still using them?

    I've got a pair of the F1 all seasons on the front of my C5 and I love them! When I replace the rears this fall I'm going with a set of F1 all seasons there as well (currently running Kumho ASX all seasons on the back and I hate them!) When I got my C5 in August 2004 it still had the original...
  7. P

    Pulling Codes on a C5

    Shortly after I got the car in 2004 I had it dyno tuned with LS1edit, and he changed a lot of the transmission settings too. But the shift firmness setting is still in the stock setting.
  8. P

    Pulling Codes on a C5

    I found a code today that wasn't on that list, P0748H. What does this one mean? This morning my check engine light came on, but it went off after three restarts, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it was running perfectly. Also, is there anywhere that explains what each code actually...
  9. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    FWIW, here is the list of oils that GM has registered for GM4718M: I'm using Pennzoil Platinum in mine, it's shown great oil analysis results for me and I find it on sale quite often too.
  10. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    I am sure they are very interested, and I'm sure they've taken notice now that two of their competitors now have called them out and have their own independent lab tests showing their oil shows better engine wear numbers over M1. Both Valvoline and Castrol have the tests which show it, so you...
  11. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    These reports are coming from all different types of engines, with all different types of driving styles but yet the end results are the same, higher levels of iron. Obviously there are many types of different metals used in different engines, so wear patterns will be different from one to the...
  12. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    I figured that once you guys get there you could find the results for yourselves, but if you're gonna make me work for it, I guess I can. :L Here are the more recent M1 5w30 oil analysis reports showing high iron in them: Mobil 1 5W-30/4546 miles/2007 Mazdaspeed3 - Bob Is The Oil Guy Mobil 1...
  13. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    Do you honestly think that Exxon Mobil is going to tell you that they've changed the formula and it's not as good as it once was? The guys answering the phones there (and emails) are instructed exactly what to say, and it's not always the information that people truly need to hear. And FWIW, the...
  14. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    Higher iron levels indicate higher valvetrain wear for one, and could also indicate less of an ability to fight off corrosion inside the engine too (something I'd certainly worry about a lot if I had an engine that sat unstarted for long periods of time)
  15. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    Apparently they are. Just because Mobil 1 happens to be factory fill in all of these cars does not make it the best oil. It just means that Mobil 1 has been lucky enough to secure the factory fill contract, and has the worldwide availability and heavy marketing that makes 99% of the driving...
  16. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    Just check out the used oil analysis section on the forums at http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums/ubbthreads.php and there are quite a large number of Mobil 1 oil analysis results on there. You'll notice a trend once you go through a bunch of them, and that is the fact that Mobil 1 shows much...
  17. P

    Question: Castrol 'edge' vs Mobil 1. . . ?

    It's sad really, but Mobil 1 is not as good as it used to be. It's been on a downward trend ever since Exxon took over, and now it's all about the profits, so they are cutting back wherever then can in order to make the allmighty dollar. The oil analysis reports I've seen with Mobil 1 have...
  18. P

    Driving That C5 In The Snow?

    Are you serious?! If that's true, that's pretty lame, and dangerous! So they'd rather have Corvette drivers heading out in the snow without proper snow tires? :mad
  19. P

    Winter weather problem

    If by suspension he meant the actual ride height, then I'd definitely agree with him there. In areas that don't get plowed properly (or at all), the C5 is definitely not the car of choice. I do find that when I drive mine in deep snow the undercarriage gets constantly battered by large chunks of...
  20. P

    Driving That C5 In The Snow?

    It's not the horsepower that matters, it's the torque, and most people who have increased their power from 350 to 400 generally don't have 50 extra pounds feet of torque right off idle, so it's really no different to drive in the snow than a stock LS1. With automatics you can start in second...
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