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1953 Corvette #029 - Ken Kayser's Article in Vette Vues


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
I just finished reading Ken's article in Vette Vues about the #029 Corvettes.

Very interesting article, well written and enlightening. Thank you Ken for mentioning us here!

I'm not going to scan and reproduce the article because that raises copyright infringement issues. If Ken wants his article reproduced here, he's welcome to contact me through the Corvette Action Center's contact page.

Ken was able to highlight the history of Doug Rupe and how he acquired the car. According to Ken, Susan Rupe - Doug's widow has agreed to hold off on the full restoration until after the car's debut at the NCRS Winter Regional this coming January.

Next month, Ken will continue with part 2 and will hopefully be interviewing Roger Roberts as well as acquiring as much documentation as he can on these two cars.
Sounds to me like the REAL 1953 Corvette # 29 is in FL. and it is to my understanding (I only heard this) that Roger Roberts told Masterdave on Corvette Forum that he did infact make the Vin tag for his so called # 29. I would hate to be the police officer who inspected that car and signed off on giving it a # 29 title. I would think that would kind of make him look like a fool unless he don't know a fake tag from a real one. I would also think that is fraud and that is like what you call breaking the law and they ( Indiana Police) could take Rogers 53 Corvette and all or anything that has any connection to it and put him in jail and it up for auction if they wanted to press the matter. It will be interesting to see if Ken get an interview with Roger. Would you want to talk to a guy who was going to print your story about you having a fake 1953 Corvette and trying to pass it off as the real # 29? My bet is that Roger will not talk to Ken. We will see. My hat is off to Rob and all the CAC people for posting this information and getting to the bottom of this. Roger sucked up to some people on Corvette Forum and they will not let the real truth come out. Again Hats off to the CAC.
Next month, Ken will continue with part 2 and will hopefully be interviewing Roger Roberts as well as acquiring as much documentation as he can on these two cars.

Article should be out prior to the Winter Regional.

Just received my Vette Vues issue today. Ken's article is very well written. Hat's off to him. :)
Well there is only about 3 weeks till the NCRS Winter Event in FL. and I am sure that there will be several NCRS Judges there who should be qualified to look at this car and tell if it is the real deal (1953 # 29 Corvette) or not. If they can not tell, thin I would ask the question if they are qualified to Judging cars for NCRS. There answer should be in an artical in Vette Vues magazine, written by Ken. Then his results of an interview (if he gets one) with Roger Roberts. All the questions asked and all the answers given by Roger about his 1953 Corvette # 29 and if he still claimes it to be the real deal and if so then it need to be inspected or judged by qualified NCRS people also or maybe the same ones that look at the # 29 in FL. and get there results on the car as well and put there reslts in the artical.
Free Samples of Vette Vues

If any of you have never seen Vette Vues Magazine, we offer a free sample, just follow this link: http://vette-vues.com/freesample.html
These samples will go out with the next issue, so you will not be getting Part II of this article, but Ken Kayser writes a column just about every month. We will also be giving out Free Sample issues at the NCRS Winter Meet, stop by and say Hi.
Bonnie Wolf
I'm not going to run down Vette Vues, which I haven't seen in the paper for about 25 years, but I'd like a summary of what happened.

Is the "fake" car a '54, a '53 that lost its identity, or what? Was the real one unearthed after the fake was assembled/restored?

Seems to me a competent con man would check the '53 registries before choosing a number. Safest bet would be to locate and purchase a totally destroyed body and frame from which you could retrieve the tags. Hopefully they'd be unusable, but you could make new ones, then build and sell the new vehicle with almost perfect safety.

Vintage Bugatti and Ferrari people do this all the time.
I'm not going to run down Vette Vues, which I haven't seen in the paper for about 25 years, but I'd like a summary of what happened.

Is the "fake" car a '54, a '53 that lost its identity, or what? Was the real one unearthed after the fake was assembled/restored?

Seems to me a competent con man would check the '53 registries before choosing a number. Safest bet would be to locate and purchase a totally destroyed body and frame from which you could retrieve the tags. Hopefully they'd be unusable, but you could make new ones, then build and sell the new vehicle with almost perfect safety.

Vintage Bugatti and Ferrari people do this all the time.

Read this thread and you'll have all the background to date:


I just read the second article in the current issue of Vette Vues, by Ken Kayser. Still no interview concerning the IN #029.

Can't wait to see the REAL #029 in Orlando in a couple of weeks.
Why no interview with the # 29 Corvette Indiana owner, does Ken know how to get ahold of the owner or is the owner just avoiding Ken?
Why no interview with the # 29 Corvette Indiana owner, does Ken know how to get ahold of the owner or is the owner just avoiding Ken?

Ken has two phone numbers for contact information.
Look for more articals in Vette Vues. They will be doing updated articals on the restoration on # 29 in FL.

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