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1953 Corvette Registry


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Good job, Rob!:thumb

Still need to fix a couple bugs - like the highest mileage not showing up in the stats box on the front page. :CRASH

Still need to fix a couple bugs - like the highest mileage not showing up in the stats box on the front page. :CRASH
FIXED! :upthumbs
I love the car with the highest mileage! :boogie
Funny how #259 is listed under Austin Roberts and for a description it is listed as "white with only a hardtop. Does not run and missing alot"

"Missing Alot"

Like a frame, body, VIN tag and who knows what else it is missing:boogie
Nice Job on the registry Rob.

Rob, I forgot to tell you why #056 has a metal hood. GM upper mgmt was concerned that the engine heat would delaminate the fiberglass, so George McGriff built one. Since their testing was not able to show any delamination no more metal hoods were built. Ya want pics?
Sure. If you have pics, post them or send them to me. I'll add them to the listing in the Registry.

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