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1960 corvette speedometer


New member
May 24, 2013
wellsville ohio 43968
1960 283 2x4 270 hp
Hi new member here,looking for help! I am trying to remove speedgear from a t10 1960 corvette,have taken out tranny brace and can now see gear going into tranny but not sure how it comes out. Thanks for any answers
Welcome to the Corvette Action Center! I'm going to move your thread into the C1/C2 forum for greater exposure...
Welcome to Corvette Action Center

Welcome stonylake05@yah, hope you will go to the new member section and introduce yourself that way others can welcome you as well.

Bill :w
Welcome to the CAC.

There is a flat steel lock plate that holds the speedo gear and fitting into the tail housing. There is a hex bolt that secures the lock plate. It is at the 3 o'clock position, directly to the rear of the fitting. Remove the bolt and the plate slips out of the groove in the fitting. The fitting has an o ring around it so it will have some resistance when pulled out but at this point nothing else is holding it in.


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