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Help! 1960 passenger side kick panel/extension mating

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vettemandon
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I thought when I tore my '60 apart in 1985, that I had everything covered. I bought zip lock bags, a Michaelis AIM, took pictures, labeled everything, bought boxes to put the parts in, etc. Well, I was wrong. I'm now getting the interior in it and I've run in to a problem. The passenger side kick panel (GM# 3749210) and the dash panel extension (GM# 376211) mating. The section of the extension panel that comes down toward the floor on the right (outboard) side mates with the passenger side kick panel via two trim screws (GM# 162406). These trim screws go through a 3/16" hole on the dash extension panel, then through a 5/16" hole on the kick panel. From what I can see in the AIM, section B, Sheet 4.00, there are spring nuts (GM# 445393) that, it appears, the trim screws secure to, thus holding the extension panel and kick panel together. The spring nuts would have to fasten to the kick panel (in the AIM, this is apparently referred to as the "cowl side trim panel R.H."). Spring nuts ("j" nuts) just won't work. What am I missing to be able to secure the extension panel to the kick panel? I'm trying to be as original and stock as possible. Would appreciate any help as to what in the world I am not seeing. I would like to say "thank you Corvette community" in advance for your help.
Just recently installed kick panels and dash extension on the '59 I'm restoring. While I used Custom Auto Sound speaker kick panels, the problem is about the same (except the CAS panels had to be trimmed and drilled to get them to fit).

The kick panels I had were ABS plastic and thick enough I was just able to screw the trim screws into holes I drilled through them. I'm assuming the fiberglass kick panels are predrilled and if the holes are in the right place I would just epoxy or JB weld a J-clip or predrilled sheet metal piece behind the holes and screw them in.

This will look and act original and no one is going to feel behind the kick panel to see if spring clips are in there. It's all pretty sturdy feeling when the package tray and all are tied together.

Best of luck but it will look great when done.


Thank you for your help. I'm going to take your advise and put a couple pieces of pre-drilled sheet metal behind the kick panel and secure them with duct tape. Then, when I do find out how GM did it I can always go back in and change it. Again, thanks a bunch.

I didn't mention it before but I think the spring nuts they are talking about may be the ones that snap into the hole itself, not j-clips. They are hard to find and the kick panel screw set I bought did not include any kind of nuts or clips.


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