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Help! 1960 Tail Light Problem


Feb 28, 2009
Rowlett, TX
2008 Coupe, 1960 Restored
My tail lights on the 1960 are not working. The Turn signals are, the brake lights are. This should indicate the bulbs are good, yes? Someone said the tail lights are on a separate fuse, but the manual doesn't indicate that. Can any help?
My tail lights on the 1960 are not working. The Turn signals are, the brake lights are. This should indicate the bulbs are good, yes? Someone said the tail lights are on a separate fuse, but the manual doesn't indicate that. Can any help?
Both tail light bulbs can have a burnt out tail light filaments and still the brake and sigs work!:thumb
Odd that they would both go out at the same time ... could it be a fuse?
Nope, not burned out filiments

Just pulled both bulbs
Check all GROUNDS on the your circuit. Also, check your turn signal switch as sometimes this can be the culprit. :thumb

Duh....I didn't think of this till just now.....headlight switch could really be the culprit. Do you have a 12v test light so you can probe the circuits? Check your tailight circuit to see if you are getting power out. (Schematic helps) :thumb

Thanks Fred

I think you may be right. I don't have a probe, but will get it to my mechanics to check out. They should be able to fix for, say, $500 or so. This car needs a whole new wring harness. I'm saving my pennies.
Your grounds are fine, or the turn signals/brake lights wouldn't work. The taillights (low-filament running lights and the license light) are fed directly from the headlight switch by a 20-ga. black wire, and that (unfused) circuit is completely independent of any other circuit. Check that terminal on the headlight switch for power, and chase it rearward from there.

Thanks Beer!

Can I bring over to your Garage? Thanks for this info. It will help me keep the mechanics honest. I wish I had to tools & skills to fix these things. I reached behind the switch - there is a cigar-sized conduit going into it.

This is a great site. Thanks to you all.

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