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1964 corvette engineering project car


New member
May 19, 2010
1964 corvette convertible
I have a 1964 corvette that is firefrost blue with a 365 horsepower 327. The car is a chevrolet engineering project car, and has a chevy engineering project tag under the das, next to the vin tag. The project # on the tag is GPV54. I was wondering where, or with whom I may be able to contact in order to find out more info on this car. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like an interesting piece of history. It will be interesting to see what John has to say on this.

The car is a chevrolet engineering project car, and has a chevy engineering project tag under the das, next to the vin tag. The project # on the tag is GPV54.

Can you post photos of the trim tag, VIN plate, and project tag?

Here is the a picture of the tag under the dash. Also I added a picture of the horn button, which has blue inlay, and a picture of the hood. The hood is a 65 style hood. I separated the hood skin and the under frame, to repair the frame, and the under frame is hand laid fiberglass. If you would like anymore info just let me know.
Here is the a picture of the tag under the dash. Also I added a picture of the horn button, which has blue inlay, and a picture of the hood. The hood is a 65 style hood. I separated the hood skin and the under frame, to repair the frame, and the under frame is hand laid fiberglass. If you would like anymore info just let me know.

Thanks for posting the photos - I'll see what I can find out. :)
I checked with two other retired engineers that worked with me at Chevrolet Engineering in the 60's (one of whom has most of the Work Order files in his archive), and none of us have seen a CEC tag like that before, nor do we recognize the format of the Project Number. I guess the mystery will continue. :)

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