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1966 big block GM holly intake

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3866948 h 19 6 is a old holly intake is it for a 66 vette and it a big block too what is it worth
3866948 cast iron intake used on 1966, 67 Corvette 427/390 HP, no idea of its value. Regards
Holley intake
found on 396/427 '66-'67 Corvettes, '67-'68 Camaros,
and 65-67 Chevelles.
The date code of the intake, H196, means it was cast
on 8/19/1966 and thus would have been installed on a
late 1966/early 1967 model Corvette, Chevelle, or very
early '67 Camaro.
Holley Cast Iron Intake

I just paid $100 for one.
66 Intake Manifold 38666948

I saw in an old post that you were selling one of these. Do you still have it and are you interested in selling? Thanks, Mark

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