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1967 Rarity Question...

May 29, 2002
Missoura Ozarks
2012 💯 4LT GS Roadster
A Corvette friend is kind of curious as to how rare his 1967 Roadster is:
> 435 Tri Power
> 4 Speed
> Tuxedo Black Outside
> White Inside

If someone knows please let me know so I can pass the info along to him...

He's going to get the VIN this evening.

All - Thanks in advance! :thumb

Thanks . . . . . .
6 Shooter
There's no way to tell - production records were kept on individual items/options/exterior colors, but none were kept on interior colors or on all the possible combinations. Of the 23,000 67's built,

14,436 were convertibles

3,754 were 427/435's (all were 4-speeds)

815 were black (coupes and convertibles)

I bet it is the only car on the entire planet with that particular VIN. :gap That would make the car one of a kind!

There's no way to tell - production records were kept on individual items/options/exterior colors, but none were kept on interior colors or on all the possible combinations. Of the 23,000 67's built,

14,436 were convertibles

3,754 were 427/435's (all were 4-speeds)

815 were black (coupes and convertibles)

Thanks for the original production numbers. Black/white was a rare combo, must have been no more than 100 built and probably a lot fewer. Based on stinger stripe color, black/red likely was the most common.

A problem is that the 427/435 is, aside from the L89 and L88, the Holy Grail engine of what many consider the Holy Grail Year of C2s.

There are more of them every year, "converted" from other specs by skilled individuals and certain prominent dealers. Most have convincing part numbers, assembly details and paperwork. Similar to the '57 fuelie situation, with 240 leaving the factory and almost a thousand around today.

If you care about originality and are paying for it, pay for expert help to verify.

As it happens, I don't look for museum pieces, just want to maintain, drive and enjoy the cars!

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