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1967 speedodometer running very fast


New member
Apr 16, 2010
1967 427, 396 conv
I have had a problem with my speedodometer for years. The needle has bounced all the time. Last year the speedodometer started running 10 to 40 mph fast. I checked the cable although I cant figure out why the cable would cause this problem.

Can someone suggest a solution?


I have had a problem with my speedodometer for years. The needle has bounced all the time. Last year the speedodometer started running 10 to 40 mph fast. I checked the cable although I cant figure out why the cable would cause this problem.

Can someone suggest a solution?



The speedo "bouncing" can be caused by a worn driven gear (the plastic one at the transmission end), a cable that's deteriorating or the lube has dried up, or a worn speed cup inside the speedo head.

So it wouldnt hurt to get a new cable and check the transmition. How do i check the lube in the speedo head. I did notice a off white grease on the cable at the speedodometer end when I had it off. But still maybe not in the correct place?

I still have the speedodometer running fast? Would the items you mention as problems with bouncing solve that as well?


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