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1974 corvette with a leaking transmission


May 3, 2014
green bay,wisconsin
74, coupe
I had a new engine put in my corvette this spring and one thing I wanted to have done was to stop the leaking transmission. The guy did a great job building a 406 for me. But I don't drive it a lot and the transmission has a constant drip coming from the transmission. It is transmission oil. I was told that 1974 automatics had this problem. I did not have the problem until the GM garage fixed a problem that developed when the transmission began to pump oil out the fill tube. Is there anyone out there experienced this and if so how do you fix it?
I had a new engine put in my corvette this spring and one thing I wanted to have done was to stop the leaking transmission. The guy did a great job building a 406 for me. But I don't drive it a lot and the transmission has a constant drip coming from the transmission. It is transmission oil. I was told that 1974 automatics had this problem. I did not have the problem until the GM garage fixed a problem that developed when the transmission began to pump oil out the fill tube. Is there anyone out there experienced this and if so how do you fix it?

You should have a TH400 in your '74,which is one of the best and strongest 3 spd automatics Chevy used. It is not common or acceptable to have a oil leak. I would find a good trans shop, these were very common and a good shop will have no issue correcting it.

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