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1974 Power Windows


Active member
Oct 15, 2009
pittsburgh, pa
1974 Stingray Coupe
Hey guys,

Trouble shooting the power windows on my 74 vette...from my understanding, there is a 30 amp circut breaker and a power window relay in this system...i cannot locate where the circut breaker is!! Anybody know where it is typically found? Also, the new relay that i got only has 2 prongs, whereas the old one i took out had 3....the new switches have a center post that is way longer than the 2 other posts on the switch..what is going on here? can anyone offer any tips?
Welcome to the CAC.

I think the relay and breaker are under the console.
Check the AIM. The circuit breaker may be mounted on the firewall under the hood. That's where it is on my '68. If memory serves, the PW relay is under the console.

thanks for the replies guys....i think i have determined that the circut breaker is indeed under the hood, on the firewall.....i think the relay under the console is bad, because there is power going in, but nothing coming out...its a tough part to replace, had to order it, no one had one locally, so we'll see what happens in a few days!
The circuit breaker is on the fire wall near the master cylinder and the relay is under the center console.
yes, the relay was part of the problem; the other part being that there was no circut breaker under the hood!....after installing both the relay and circut breaker, my windows have worked without a problem.

the relay is a real problem to get to, because you pretty much have to remove the whole center console to get to....terrible place to put it in my opinion!!
Does anybody have a picture or better decription of where the circuit breaker exactly is?
the circut breaker should be inboard of the power brake booster...it has 2 wires coming off two small posts...
On my 74 it's next to the emmissions sticker.

Also, the power window relay gets 12 volts from the 25 Amp fuse that feeds 'ACC' terminal.
the circut breaker should be inboard of the power brake booster...it has 2 wires coming off two small posts...

Oh, I see - is it the same for a 1975? If you are going to test the circuit breaker is it not wise to connect the wires together to see if the windows will work, or better, run a continuity test from each side of the terminal to see if the breaker is okay?
Oh, I see - is it the same for a 1975? If you are going to test the circuit breaker is it not wise to connect the wires together to see if the windows will work, or better, run a continuity test from each side of the terminal to see if the breaker is okay?

I don't see it on the 1975 - could it have been eliminated.

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